Monday, December 4, 2017

Weekend Recap (Holiday Traditions Edition)

We enjoyed some of our annual holiday traditions this weekend and there is nothing we enjoy more than sharing this time of year with family and friends!
"Auntie Janie" surprised the girls with Advent Calendars (the chocolate kind) along with Lindt Chocolate Teddy Bears- they were in HEAVEN when I got home from work on Thursday night :)
and on Friday morning, "Relf" our Elf returned...and he has been up to his old tricks since ;)

and this is what our weekend looked like....
Friday Night
It was my 3rd Annual Recipe Exchange.  

I went back to appetizers this year because knowing my tribe, apps are a favorite.
Everyone brought an app and sent me the recipe beforehand.  I put together an E-Recipe Book for everyone and sent it out before the gathering so everyone could have a copy of our amazing recipes.
Everyone brought their apps (enough for 17) and a bottle of wine.  I also served Cranberry Prosecco.
As people were arriving, they helped themselves to a cocktail and I put out a caprese wreath to pick on before the actual party/tasting got started.

Once we caught up for a bit, it was time to enjoy all of the apps and then vote.
My friends can cook- that's all I am saying!  One app was better than the next!

We ended up having a tie for best recipe- Laurel's Cocktail Meatballs and Jeanine's Arrancini were voted the best!
and most festive went to Jill for her Cranberry Jalapeno Dip which was not only amazing but beautiful too!
(The Winners and their Prizes- Holiday Scented Yankee Candles)
Diana took our group picture this year...little blurry but you get the gist ;)
and then everyone enjoyed some desserts compliments of Beth Ann and me- she is the best baker EVA (as we say in New England)
I snapped some pics of us just chillin'
(Photo Bomb by Diana) ;)

It was finally time for me to call UNCLE.  What a year....anyway...I went to the doctors and got some meds and just hope I am 100% by Wednesday when I get on a plane for Cheer Nationals.  Anyway, I rested ALL DAY and got my fill of Hallmark Romance  Christmas movies.  (for the win)
We had plans to go to our friends, the Partingtons, for dinner that night but I thought it best to reschedule so I wouldn't get anyone else sick.
Rob took the girls to our town's Tree Lighting complete with a visit of Santa and I rested up.  I am glad they kept the Christmas fun going :)

 It was time for CCD and Mass.  After mass, I got some more rest in and then Pidge and Daddy headed to skating.  Diana and I picked up dinner and headed to my parents.  We all met there and enjoyed our time and then headed out for our annual trip to the Stone Zoo Christmas Lights.  It was better than ever!  They continue to add to the event every year and we had a ball! 
(But first, this shot, of Eva and my Engineer Dad building something amazing- I told him she will definitely take after him!)

and now to the zoo...the lights were so beautiful


We got to visit with some animals

and then of course the girls got to visit with Santa and tell him what they wanted...pure magic.....
another weekend of Christmas magic in the books...what were you up to?


  1. Is there anything more comforting than the Hallmark Channel when you are sick? Nope, nothing soothes like those movies.

    Hope you are feeling Better.


  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend! I also did a recipe exchange but forgot to take pictures!!! Maybe next year!!

  3. Holly- I hope so- would love to see what you put together! :)
