
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Advanced Spirit Cheer Comp- DCU Center Worcester

Advanced Spirit at DCU Worcester

Well the Mini Ivories from ECE Londonderry came in 3rd again
3rd out of 7 teams- not bad!

Diana and Mackenzie

Mackenzie's Baby Brother Bentley "Ben"

Diana's idol- The legendary Coach Lisa

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2015 Daddy Daughter Dance!

2015 Daddy Daughter Dance

I can't believe this is Diana's 5th Daddy Daughter Dance
She was only 2 at her very first one!

Check this out!  What a difference 4 years makes!

and then we headed over to BFF Alice's house for some pix
Mama hung with Jill while they cute couples headed to the dance

Friday, March 27, 2015

Insta Friday

Ahhh.... back in the groove!!!

Insta Friday 
(capturing the little things that make life so beautiful...through the fuzzy lense of the iPhone)

St. Patty's Day Fun!

Sisters :)

Windham Wine Club met at Tuscan this month- what fun

and tagging along at the Windham Co-Op's Mom's Night out at Marianne's- had a blast!

Friday Night Snuggles are the Bomb

Happy Baby is GENIUS!  They mixed veggies with fruit and Pidge just loves them!  It is the only way she eats her veggies but that is okay- we are eating kale, spinach, broccoli and more- oustanding- GENIUS!

We love Coach Kayla!  She is the one that taught Diana her back handspring and she can totally manage Diana and her crazy energy :)

After this very LONG and SEVERE winter...we celebrated the first warm night by cooking on the grill- so excited...and then of course two hours later it was freezing rain out...smh


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Gratitude

I am so very thankful.....

for being able to walk away from such negativity....because it was the best thing for me...and even more thankful for how I feel now

for my family and friends and especially my husband....for their support and for showing me that I truly have a village that helps make everything possible

For health and wealth in 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Papa Bob's 77th Birthday!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mimi's 67th Birthday

and no....she doesn't look a day over 30!

We started with dinner at Al Fresca in Tewksbury- it was delish!

and then cake back at Mimi and Papa's house.... oh and maybe some Limoncello :)

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