
Thursday, October 31, 2013

We are Expecting....Again!

I am 40...and I am pregnant!
It was a long, hard decision and big risk but we knew things were and always are in God's hands.
We knew we wanted to have a little playmate for Diana.  We wanted to complete our family.

Due to my age, I opted for a very new fetal abnormality test called Maternity 21.
It is amazing how far science has come, even over the last 5 years (since I had Diana!)
This new test is done by taking a sample of the mother's blood.  The test is able to check the chromosones in the fetus's blood through the mother's blood- unbelievable!

I hit the 12 week mark last Sunday...that is when things get a bit more safe but we still didn't make the announcement until we got our results yesterday....looks like everything is fine...AND...
it is another girl!!!!!

Yes...Rob is still alive...although he is proclaiming that this little girl will play hockey...I think figure skating sounds much better ;)

The kids are all so excited....it is amazing how much magic and happiness a baby brings to the world.

Diana is ecstatic...when we first told her she squealed and said "now I don't have to wait anymore!"
She says Good Morning and Good Night to the baby and already is calling her by her name...

Our baby girl....we decided yesterday will be named
Eva Teresa

Logistically, I am ecstatic...we saved so much stuff...clothes....chairs...toys...blankets...can't wait to go through everything!!!

So so thankful...so thankful to God for making everything okay...for watching out for us....for taking care of me and this baby...for answering our prayers

Stay tuned on more baby news....
Baby Eva is due in early May :)

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for.....

More Energy.....

The ability to get the house projects done.....one...at...a....time

The insight...wisdom and passion of Kinderarteners

Being able to see...a glimpse at a time...what is really important in life

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Comp #2- Derry Harvestfest!

The only picture and the BEST picture I could have captured yesterday

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Windham Wine Girls

This group is in one word, awesome!  This group of ladies is comprised of warm, bright, cultured, wine-loving girls from town.

I was ecstatic to be invited last Spring and have enjoyed learning more and more about different wines...regions...grapes...you name it...it is like going back to school

This week, it was my turn to host.
Due to my love of cooking, I put together a complex menu and then Laurel (the co-chair if you will, studied up on wine and food pairings and paired various wines with my dishes).  Laurel always puts together an amazing cheese board too so we learn lots about cheese while learning about the wine.  Alison walks us through each kind of wine and explains what we may smell and taste and explains why- very cool.

Here we are before we started (may I add that my hubby is the greatest- he snapped pix and helped me serve AND clean up)

The first course was pan seared scallops with toasted almonds and black concord grapes
That was paired with Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, New Zealand

The next course was my favorite Autumn Chicken and Squash Risotto and that was paired with Catherine Cambria Chardonnay (one of my favorite wines-very buttery- California)

Next up was filets with goat cheese and balsamic syrup...those were paired MacMurray Pinot Noir from the Russian River Valley region of Napa Valley- amazing!

Then I presented The Pioneer Woman's Fig and Proscuitto Pizza and that was paired with Castello de Volpana Chianti (not a fan of Chianti)

Lastly, I served fruit pies and we had a chocolate platter for dessert...by that time most ladies were pretty toasty!  (Me?  I sniffed...had a few small sips and dumped...more to come on that later)

Here are a few pix Rob captured for me

Friday, October 25, 2013

Insta Friday (October 25, 2013)

Catching Up....My Life...through my iPhone....

 Happy Meals= Happy Girls

 Spend alot of time on Route 93...this day I shared it with the 7 news truck who was actually heading to Windham NH to talk about some great kids who rallied around their friend who was bullied when wearing pink to support his mom who was a breast cancer survivor

Foliage...even at the mall ;)


Halloween Fun

1st Wolverines Cheer Comp

PINK....more breast cancer awareness...even at Starbucks...love it!

Pumpkins....never get old

Halloween Party at Dance Class (thanks Daddy for snapping these) :)

Finally chilly enough for the Winter Coat at the bus stop...brrrrr

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

Finding the energy and strength to fight on

For a beautiful fall and particularly mild October

For experiencing the little joys through the eyes of my daughter

The happiness my daughter experiences when she gets to spend time with her grandparents

For the real friends...the ones who are always there in good and bad....it is funny how you are sometimes surprised and reminded how some are real and some were just passing by

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Season Opener- Bedford Competition!

Windham Wolverines TINY MITES!

Our girls did an amazing job :)

They are not scored at this level yet (BOO) but Rob and I did our own scoring and we are convinced they placed in the top 3!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

1st Annual Wolverines Jaguars Halloween Bash & Turf Fundraiser

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