
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear Diana (at 4 and 1/2)

Dear Diana,

It is so true what some have told me...I will never forget it...especially when I felt this way when you were an infant..."The days can go by so slowly but the years will go by so fast"

You are 4 and 1/2 and have been counting down the days to your next birthday and birthday party since you turned 4.  You CANNOT WAIT to chew gum and we told you a long time ago that you could not have gum until you turned 5.  You remind us daily of this promise ;)

You continue to love dance and now dance at The Carlene Nazarian Dance Center.  They are WONDERFUL.  The teachers are great with you too and very flexible because you need to miss some dance glasses for your cheer competitions...yes that's right...4 years old and will be competing throughout New England starting next week...I still can't believe we did this BUT all I know is that it makes you happier than anything else!

Your pure sass is priceless and many people who meet you say "she is just too much"...sometimes it is embarrassing but most of the time we just laugh and shake our heads...

You have a social life to kill for...our entire Winter has consisted of having families over with friends for you every Saturday night..or us going to their houses for the same reasons..you have helped us to make more friends too in the process :)

You had your first "blowout" by our hair magician Claribel and you are starting to pay attention to fashion...in fact you even helped mama critique the Oscar red carpet dresses...we had a ball :)

You have just started to feel comfortable in  our new home...you have stopped asking to go back to the old house and when we ask you now if you want to go back....you giggle and say Noooooo...precious

You miss Ally because she is in college and when Zach goes in the fall, it is going to be difficult...we will do our best to keep you occupied and showered with love and support to minimize the sadness :(

You never cease to amaze me....the things that come out of your mouth sometimes are dumbfounding...we look at each other and ask "where does she get these things?"

You put together the craziest outfits...you love to play teacher and mama and coach to all of your babies (and there are many of them) and you are most proud of your family, your cartwheels and your twinkle toes sneakers.

I love you my baby bird!

Love, Mama

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Weekly Gratitude

We are all thankful that CJay is responding very well to his chemo treatments- the picture above is CJay's mom Alice with Diana...we love Alice!!

We are thankful for a senior basketball ceremony for Zach with quality family time

We are thankful for the promise of Spring

We are thankful for good friends and a great town to share special times with those friends

Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday

Circa 1994
Night out...going to Boston to celebrate a friend's 21st bday....will never forget it...
Sometimes I miss this hair...and being this tanned...and being thinner....some day it will all come back ;)

Insta Friday (February 22, 2013)

A Week in the Life....

 Our tiny dancer (trying on the big recital costume)

The most coveted ticket in Windham NH

Our heroes who snagged the tickets :)

Cool Mamas

Play Date!

Putting the band back together

The morning after "Toddlers Go Wild"

Sunday Dinner with our Breton Cousins...Diana LOVES her cousin pals :)

Making snowflakes for the library and F.L.O.W

Lilly iPhone Cover!!!!

Self Portraits


Hope you all had a great week!!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for...

A warm and spacious home that allows us to entertain our family and friends

CR&R- their professionalism and their help to close 2012 for us forever!!

DeColores....for blessing us with the statues we have been waiting for...can't wait to display them in our garden this Spring

For CJay's successful chemo treatments and his strength to get through all of this

For hearing positive feedback after years of hard work and knowing it is never forgotten

Friday, February 15, 2013

Insta Friday (February 15, 2013)

Little glimpses of happy moments this week...

 Friday night snuggles during an epic blizzard
 Saturday Morning...the blizzard is still going...that image in the distance is my hubby (AKA The Snow Warrior)

Making pancakes for Daddy to warm him up!

Saturday Night= Wine and cheese and such with our fun neighbors/new friends the Mullens before the School Board Deliberative Session


Tuesday Night Sushi Date with Kayla

Ash Wednesday = Rice Bowls and

Snapshots of Valentine's Day

Mimi gives the best presents! (J. Lohr Cab and VDay Glasses)

 Mimi's homemade heart pancakes for Diana (not spoiled or anything)
 After a stressful work day, I got to relax...came home to this wonderful New England Clambake that my hubby put together

 The grand finale....relaxing my the fire with some champagne...he was having a ball...can you tell?
 Someone was overtired :(

Love is in the air...Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for:

Never losing power during the storm!

Not having any damage to our property during the storm!

An awesome snow blower that my parents got us and for my hubby being the tremendous snow warrior he was!

My hubby...my valentine...always

For business....for being able to handle it....for being able to lead

For Article #2 standing...now time to vote YES on March 12th :)

For my ability to influence and inspire

For great neighbors and new friends

Friday, February 8, 2013

Insta Friday (February 8, 2013)

A Week in My Life...

Down 10 lbs

WHS Basketball- just had to capture his half time score last weekend- ZB's Football # :)

Peapod= one of life's greatest inventions!

Signing Bday Cards!

 Bday Party #1- Bowling and Pizza!

Bday Party #2- Sports and Fun and MORE PIZZA- YAHOO!

 My Godson Caiden (the birthday boy)

Birthday Girl Sara!

Saturday Night at Wasabi!

Winter in New England

My homemade spinach artichoke dip


Rob's Superbowl Apps 

Don't you love chubby toddler hands? :)

Hope you had a great week- we are bracing for an epic blizzard
Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged
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