
Friday, October 26, 2012

Insta Friday (October 26, 2012)

life rearranged

A Glimpse in the Life...

My game attire...gets cheesier by the week huh?  ha ha!

Pre-gaming it with some Diehards AND scorpion bowls of course 

During the lightening delay...this is me TRYING to look like a high schooler...they just know I am crazy :)

Fall in my old hometown Andover, MA...just beautiful

My poor sick Monkey...thank GOD she is on the mend!

and finally getting some fresh air and experience PURE JOY with the leaves AND Daddy :)

Hope you all had a terrific week.  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Weekly Gratitude

Weekly Gratitude

This week I am thankful for...

The Football Moms who I have had the pleasure of getting to know and having a blast with over the last four years

Being able to make it happen- BAM!

Tattoos on Our Town

The Boys of Fall

Business...Job Orders...Growth

For Where We Are....Right Now...Where We Are Happiest...and Meant To Be


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Windham Vs. Kingswood Regional (Final Score 42-6)

So...we travelled up to the lakes region in NH on Friday night...in a monsoon mind you!

We met up with some of our diehards at a local Chinese joint
Had some fun...some scorpion bowls of course ;)

and then we hit the game (for awhile...in the monsoon)...

During the 2nd quarter, the game got postponed because of LIGHTENING...yes lightening in October (better than the snow storm last year though) At that point, it was 20-6.

On Sunday, during the rematch, the team picked right back up and ended up winning 42-6

Next stop TRINITY on Friday night- GO JAGS!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sick Monkey

My Monkey has the Croup :(
Need to get better for Disney!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Insta Friday (October 19, 2012)

life rearranged

Insta Friday- a glimpse into my week in an "Oh-So-Grainy" way

Workin' Out

Henry is stylin' in shades ;)

Witnessing "A Seat At The Table"

WHS Football Website- ZB front and center :)

My flowers from Senior Day (warm my heart)

Someone just had to get her feet in Kayla's boots

The thoughtfulness and generosity of neighbors....just like it must have been back in 1955 :)

The gorgeous girls that work for me (check out their "uniforms" from Express)

Diana making a birthday gift for best pal Alexis :)

Hope you all had an amazing week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Weekly Gratitude

This week I am thankful for....

The gift of being a step mom and being able to share in the special times in my "kids" lives

Being able to do the Heimlich (twice in one week, though, a bit much for me)



Sunday, October 14, 2012

Zach's "Senior Day" of WHS Football

Capturing This Day for Him so he has it FOREVER!
(Remember to pause music player on right before playing the videos)

First thing this morning

Most likely the Last Lineman's Breakfast at The Chatterbox Cafe
What Coach Fenn and Coach McQuaid dubbed four years ago "A Seat at the Table"

and this is me, the crazy lady, trying to capture every second for the ZMan

After breakfast, it was time for me to set up tailgating...I captured some videos for Zach...showing him how the parking lot slowly fills up and the tradition we parents looks forward to SO MUCH!

Here I am driving up the hill

Zach and Cory (during their home game tradition-early walk to the field to prepare)

The Start of Tailgating

Mrs Alberico


The Grand Entrance

and the big game? Windham Vs. Kennett- Final Score 51-6- Another JAG Win!

A Beautiful Senior Ceremony- It Truly Took The Cake :)

Bud- it was the best day and you deserve the best-never forget it- hope you remember it forever- we will make sure you do of course!  Love you!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Carving Jack-O-Lanterns 2012

and we finally have the perfect STOOP for our pumpkins :)

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