
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ally Places in the Top 10 at HOSA Nationals!

We are so proud! HOSA (Health Occupational Students of America) is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health occupations instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership

Ally and Geena came in 1st for the NH State competition and just placed in the Top 10 for the Nationals in Orlando!

Look at her...professional huh? So proud! :)

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Wanna Know...

4th of July is quickly approaching. It is our family tradition to always do something special. We usually go away to a local beach area overnight or for a few nights...hit the beach...have a special dinner...etc. Some years, we have been fortunate enough to go away for longer.

One of the fam's favorite trips was Martha's Vineyard. It was the trip where just about everything went wrong. I am sure you are wondering why that would be everyone's favorite though. It is like a wise woman once said to me, "instead of worrying about things going wrong...live in the moment and enjoy each one." I can truly say we all did that year...from getting seasick on the ferry over...to a van accident on the way to our hotel...to Rob getting food poisoning to my dad falling off his bike three times during our biking excursion...etc etc...we still have so many laughs about that trip.

The picture above is us in our glory. I can't believe how much has changed since this trip...Zack looks like a little kid here and he is such a handsome young man now and MONK was not even with us yet...hard to remember life without her.

4th of July for the Bretons means Portsmouth and Old Orchard Beach and Ogunquit and pure New England paradise.

This year, we are venturing into the Big City (Boston) for some really appropriate "independent fun"...we are also making a pit stop on Saturday beforehand to make sure that Holly makes a dream come true and checks one more thing off the bucket list (stay tuned- cannot wait!)

I Wanna Know, though, what you are doing for the 4th and more importantly what have some of your favorite 4th of July celebrations entailed????

If you cannot post a comment/we are not connected on Blogger- email me please! hbinda@yahoo.com.

Inspire me...as we honor this amazing country together!!!! xoxoxo

Thursday, June 24, 2010

whs football

Guess what folks?? Football season has already officially started at WHS!!! So excited...this year will be the boys' first year playing at the varsity level and I think some of us moms are even more excited...we already have so many fun things planned. Enjoy this video of last year's highlights....go Zack!!! xoxoxo

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010...

and what an awesome day we had....the guys started the day with their annual golf game and then everyone came to our house for lunch and fun.

It was the perfect day to honor the fathers in my life...the best fathers anyone could have.

My husband is the best dad I know...the most involved with the raising of his children...from their days in diapers and battling many nights alone with three little ones... to now...the even more stressful years...the teen years...I watch him act like he has been there before and knows what to say and do...I think...thank GOD this guy is also the father of my little girl...don't know what I would do without him (he is the expert on staff):)

My Dad was and is our family rock. He always provided for us...fixed anything broken (including hearts) and bragged about our every last accomplishment...he is now an even better man as we watch him basque in the glow of "grandfatherhood"

My father-in-law is everyone's friend....the one who shows up just when you feel like you don't know how you will get through that given day...Mr. Fix It is what we call him.

To all the dads out there...here is to you today and always. XOXOXO

Some Early Summer Fun :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

SATC 2 Round 2!!!

with girlfriends Laurie, Heather & Nicki....so much fun!!!

Samantha: "We made a deal ages ago. Men, babies, doesn't matter. We are soul mates."

Miranda: "Being a mother kicks your ass."

Charlotte: "My first thought when I heard Samantha say Harry might cheat on me with Erin was, "Oh my god, I can't lose the nanny!""

Carrie: "Why did you pick black?"
Big: "Because you're not like other women."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Play Dates!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our Life....

Just a quiet family-bonding Saturday night was planned but it ended up being so much more- so funny in so many regards and serious for me at a couple of points. I just want to give you a glimpse into my life...our life (hopefully you can chuckle about a few things at my expense but also understand that I want to help my step mom friends see that it is work...it is much more work than a "traditional nuclear family" and that is OKAY! :)

Kayla was coming over for a dinner so I kicked it up a notch...I made a Rachael Ray recipe... (it is below for your enjoyment)

What I didn't know, though, was that the beautiful glass bowl I put it in...when heated in the oven...would crack.

So 10 minutes before Kayla was there, our dinner exploded and it took two of us to salvage it while the third one (not naming names) took pix from her phone to capture the hilarity of the moment!

Then I was serving dinner, our lovely bulldog Bambi tripped me (common occurrence) and I ended up with a slight sprain/strain of my ankle...good times..though it hurt at the time, I can't help but laugh so hard today when I think about it...this is good sit-com material!

I am used to being the but of many jokes in our family...I mean I so ask for it..I play the role of crazy ste pmom....but I wouldn't trade it for the world. As much as some people try to paint me in a bad light and can't wait for me to "screw up" (because they can't stand the love our family shares- if ya catch my drift), I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be, which is a gift.

After dinner, we enjoyed the finale of Glee (again for me but first time the kiddos and Robby B saw it)

To my stepmom friends out there..hold on to the good moments...know you are making a positive difference...even if you only catch glimmers of it here and there.

With the back and forth of blended families, you may feel like you have to work harder to keep those relationships solid, and steer the kids in the right direction BUT it is so worth it...it is even more worth it when you take a step back and look at the big picture...c'mon...who do you think is doing the right thing?

It all comes back to you as a wise one once said...or as the kids say "Karma is a biznatch!"

One of the stepmom experts, (Wednesday Martin)I turn to for advice, recently posted

"It’s not easy to feel judged and misunderstood

You likely feel, especially if you’re un-partnered, that the deck is stacked against you, that it’s me and your ex against you. From my perspective, I’m perceived as a wicked stepmother and a home-wrecker even when I’m not, no matter how hard I try and how nice I am. Being the fall guy when I’m trying so hard takes a toll on me. And while you might feel shut out, I wrestle with the knowledge that I’m not and never will be “first.” We’re both struggling, you and I."

But enough of the serious stuff...our lesson is done for this week! Our Saturday night was blissful and the dinner that exploded was just delish...enjoy the recipe below :)

Chicken Sausage, Pepper and Onion Pasta Fake-Bake
Rachael Ray


* 1 pound rigatoni
* Salt
* 1 pound cooked chicken sausages
* 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
* 1 green or red bell pepper, seeded and sliced
* 1 cubanelle pepper, seeded and sliced
* 1 large onion, thinly sliced
* 3 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped
* Ground black pepper
* 1/2 cup dry white wine or chicken stock, a couple of glugs
* 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes, (recommended: San Marzano)
* Handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
* 1/2 cup fresh basil, 10 leaves, torn or shredded
* 1 cup ricotta cheese
* 1 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, plus some to pass at table


Place a pot of water on the stove to boil for pasta. When the water boils, salt it and cook pasta to al dente, with a bite to it.

Prick sausages with a fork. Place chicken sausages in a large skillet and add 1 inch of water. Add 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil to the skillet, 1 turn of the pan. Bring water to a boil then reduce heat a little. Allow all the liquid to cook away then brown and crisp the casings, 5 to 6 minutes.

Preheat broiler.

While pasta and sausage cook, heat a deep skillet over medium heat with 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 2 turns of the pan. Add the peppers, onions and garlic and season with salt and pepper. When the sausages are cooked through, slice them on an angle and add them to the peppers and onions. Cook together until peppers and onions are tender and sliced sausages are crisp at edges then deglaze the pan with white wine or chicken stock. Stir in crushed tomatoes and bring to a bubble, reduce heat to low.

Drain rigatoni and return to warm pot. Add ricotta cheese, salt and pepper, parsley and basil and half of the Parmigiano, a couple of handfuls, stir to combine.

To assemble the "fake bake," place half the sausage, peppers, onions and sauce in the bottom of a baking dish. Top with all of the pasta and then the remaining sausage and sauce. Cover the top of the dish with the grated Parmigiano and place until broiler 2 minutes to brown cheese and set pasta.

Friday, June 11, 2010

SATC Round 1.....

with my Cassie and our Moms...we enjoyed some cocktails and apps first next door at Joe's....check out Charlotte's skirt in the SATC photo...just love Lilly!!

Our expectations weren't high for this movie, since the reviews were not great and some of our friends were not impressed...but

We loved it....the movie truly catered to the 30 and 40 somethings as they navigate through the challenges of marriage and raising babies....we LOVED it

The drama that we loved of the first one was truly matched with the comedy of the 2nd one

go see it...with your girls :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Father's Day Dad!! (the best version I have heard!) *Scroll down and hit the pause button on my music before playing video so u can hear it!

so....Diana jumped out of the crib...well didn't really jump...more like hoisted herself over the top and let herself down gently...as soon as I thought our life was over, my husband to the rescue...there is a HUGE benefit in marrying a man who has already raised three little monkeys before this one!! Cheers :)
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