
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Hi Friends and Happy Wednesday!  Today I am linking up with Joyce for her fun Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup!  Here we go



1. Today is National Splurge Day- What's something you may splurge on today?  What is something you have splurged on recently?


Hmmm...not sure I will splurge on anything today...maybe the protein balls I made?


Recently, I splurged on Kayla's Mexican Corn Salad (on Father's Day) and it was TO DIE FOR- need to get that recipe from her- ha! 



 2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

YES!  I am partial to Sea Bags.  Have you heard of them?  They are bags made from recycled sails and they come in the cutest patterns AND they are so durable and easy to clean- I am such a sucker for these!  You can find them HERE

Typically you will find my beach/pool/lake towel, sunscreen (that I barely use- I know I know) and maybe a speaker, a water cup and some snacks.  The beach is ALWAYS on my summer list-we get there as much as possible and thanks for the reminder.  We have to make our summer list THIS WEEKEND!



 3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

Boys Of Summer by Don Henley...reminds me of summers during my teen years...Hampton Beach...Canobie Lake Park...heartbreak...makes me melancholy...one of the greatest songs of all time



 4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order?


YES YAY!!!  I love a good spicy tuna roll or an order of chirashi (different fish pieces/sashimi served over a bed of rice)



5. I own a ridiculous amount of what?

Ummm clothes?  I need to purge again and put some bags together for donations for sure!



 6. Insert your own random thought here

Praying for a fun and relaxing summer especially for my girls





Kym said...

Those Sea Bags are beautiful! Boys of Summer is the perfect summer vibe song and I have lots of good memories associated with that one. Have a great week!

Maria Rineer said...

Please share the recipe when you get it!! I love the Sea Bags as well- we were gifted one for Christmas from an East Coast friend :).

Joyce said...

I love the bag! I almost bought one when we were in Annapolis last month, and am wishing now I did. The corn salad looks really good...if you get the recipe I'd love for you to share. I remember summers as a kid and not needing anything organized to be happy. I'm sure your girls will enjoy their break from school and you'll have lots of fun things in the mix too. Have a great day!

Memphis Bridges said...

That beach/pool bag is so cute! I have not heard of these. I think you picked the perfect summer song! That is a classic. Have a good day!

Jennifer White said...

The Sea Bags are so cool! Thanks for telling me about them. I will have to check them out next time I need a bag. Boys of Summer...classic!!

Allstarme79 said...

I'm bad about sunscreen too. When I lay out at home, I put 50 on my face but then a 15 bronzer everywhere else. I make sure my kid swear it though!

Pamela said...

That's a cute bag, I hadn't heard of Sea Bags before.

Joanne said...

I think I have a ridiculous amount of clothes too and keep promising myself not to buy anymore... and then I do! We're heading to the beach in a few weeks and I definitely have my Sea Bags bag on my list to pack; it's perfect for the beach.

ellen b. said...

I haven't heard of sea bags but they look great. That corn salad looks amazing! I'm partial to good food. You aren't the firs one to list clothes for #5. I've got some serious stacks I need to go through, too. Sweet photo of your girls!

Good Better Best Food said...

Wait...are you not Good about using sunscreen? I am going to tell you what I tell Hockey Guy...my dermatologist was right 20 years ago...you will definitely tan through SPF 30. Hugs! Patty

Tanya said...

It's so funny - I answered #1 as splurging on something with $$$ not food. Love that beach bag!

My Glittery Heart said...

I love your sea bag!! and yes to sushi!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

I love Sea Bags! I want one for Christmas this year. I got to visit a store on Nantucket that sold them...or maybe it was in Chatham? I can't remember now, but you get my drift. I pray your girls (and you and Rob) have a great summer together! Do you have any summer plans to travel?

Holly said...

@Jennifer Thank you so much! No plans to travel this summer

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