
Monday, June 24, 2024

Hello Monday (June 24, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I am here with Sara and we are chatting about our weekends. We would love for you to join us and tell us what you were up to! Grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!


I am going back to Thursday to our little adventure...




I worked the morning and then Rob brought Diana and me to Laurel's house.  She brought all of us into Boston.


Alexis gave Diana her ticket to Lana Del Rey as an early Sweet Sixteen present- so so generous and thoughtful.


Laurel and Tom paid for our hotel rooms...it was such a treat.  We do have the best friends


We checked into our hotel, dropped our bags and headed to Sweet Cheeks- a famous BBQ restaurant with epic biscuits- we enjoyed sharing everything!  It was all so delish (including the giant cocktail that the Mamas shared)

These three stylin' and ready for their big night!

We walked the kids over to Fenway after we ate...we dropped them off then we did some bar hopping to pass the time...in the most fun way!

Lana Del Rey did not hit the stage until after 10:15 due to a major storm passing through and then only played a little over an hour due to a noise ordinance at Fenway...it was a bit chaotic trying to locate the kids when all of our phones were dead...but they finally found us at the restaurant we were at...a bit grumpy and hungry...we walked back to our hotel and they were able to get room service because that was the only food available at 1 in the morning!  Cass and Laurel hit the hotel bar and I got cozy in bed :)  It was such a great day and night!


After sleeping in, which felt so luxurious (I honestly can't remember the last time I was able to sleep in)....we showered and got ready for the day.  We all headed out around 10:30 and walked outside and were hit by the Celtics Parade route- by accident!  Hysterical!!

Then we walked around so the kids could do some shopping.  We stopped at Eately in the Prudential Shops for lunch/brunch...which was SO GOOD (felt like we were back in Rome!)

Then we hit a few more shops, went back to the hotel to check out and grab the car and then we were off.  We got home around 4 and Diana got ready and we got her to work.

We crashed early and it felt so good!


Daddy and Eva headed to softball while Diana and I headed to the rail trail for an early morning workout.

Then after showering,  I brought her to her driving lesson and met the fam at Eva's game

After getting Diana, I dropped her at home and headed back to the field but the last game got called early due to another bad rain storm.  Papa and I headed to the car early anyway and then we all drove home but not before we got to see another amazing hit by Pidge...

After this, we went home and got changed into warm and dry clothes and headed to Eva's Playoff Hockey Game

Unfortunately they lost and it was the end of the spring hockey season.

We dropped Papa at home and then headed out to use a gift card that Rob had for Backyard Brewery- we scoffed down some pub food and then got home to crash early







Sunday morning meant meal planning, grocery shopping, blogging and bringing Diana to work.


It was also time for more softball


 The girls were victorious after the first game....

Then...later on...the 2nd game they weren't so lucky but they are looking great!


and after softball, there was a play/swim date and they were fine again :)

Last night, Daddy took Diana driving again to get in more hours AND there had to be a stop to squish Baby Sylvie :)

That's a wrap!  What were you all up to?





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Maria Rineer said...

What a fun time in Boston! All that food looks really good and the kids looked so cute for the concert. It sounds like softball is going well- how fun that the family comes out to support Eva and her games. Have a great Monday!

Amy Scott said...

You do in a weekend what I do in a month! That mason jar looks huge and now I want one! Ha!

Memphis Bridges said...

What a fun weekend!

Allstarme79 said...

Looks like an awesome yet busy weekend! I love to fill my weekends with stuff, even if it means we are exhauted.

Michelle said...

It looks like an amazingly fun and busy weekend!

Rightupmyaliway said...

Oh how fun!! How sweet of your friends! Those drinks look amazing! How wonderful to have a little rain shower. It is so HOT and dry down here. We are hoping for some rain! Have a wonderful week, friend!

Joyce said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! We lived outside NYC for a few years and have been to Eataly there several times. Always fun! I never know what to eat or buy as there is so much to choose from. Sounds like a fun and busy weekend...enjoy your week!

Joanne said...

That sounds like such a fabulous weekend!

Sunshine and Books said...

That sounds like a great weekend! One of our lifeguards came to Fenway for the concert and said it was great, despite the weather shortening it. It looks like the moms had a fun weekend in Boston, too. It looks like Eva had a super sporty weekend with a big fan club! I'm glad you guys get so many baby cuddles.

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