
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What's Up Wednesday: July 2024


Hi Friends! I can't believe it is the end of July...usually I would be sad but I am welcoming August with open arms...looking forward to some end-of-summer fun and even the fall...embracing it all!  Keeping the faith...believing good things are on the horizon and enjoying every moment of special family and friend time, great weather and creating memories.  So let's get to it.....



What We're Eating This Week


Monday - Grilled Steaks, Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions, Air Fryer Zucchini and Summer Squash and Mashed Potatoes


Tuesday- Boneless Pork Roast, Rice, Broccoli and Salad


Wednesday- Marinated Chicken, Green Beans with Ravioli for Pidge (requested)


Thursday- Baked Haddock with Tomatoes, Broccolini and Rice


Friday- Out after the DRT Show!



What I'm Reminiscing About


These Nuggets....will explain more next month!


What I'm Loving

Driving with my girls...with the top down...we have been able to do this almost every day this summer...making such great memories!

What We've Been Up To

Mama enjoyed celebrating Denise's Bday at Copper Door

We loved watching Eva as "The Mouse" in "A Year With Frog and Toad" at Ovations

We cheered on Aiden as he tested for his black belt!

Mama and Eva had a lovely afternoon using her bday gift cards to shop followed up by a great lunch at Chipotle!


Diana celebrated 2 years with Carlos- the BEST Voice Coach around


Mama and Daddy went to Johny's Graduation Party

Mama made a batch of strawberry jam


Zach and Zoe came home and we celebrated with an Italian Summer Dinner!

We have been to the rail trail almost every day...feels so good!

We celebrated the 4th at Laurel and Tom's Lake House and had a blast as always!


We celebrated Sylvie's 1st Birthday!

Blackout work has been in full force- gathering sponsors left and right!

We have been having fun "getting ducked" and "ducking back"


Someone is loving his new "bed"


Fuel Good has been a weekly destination and we loved our Shark Week Teas ;)


Mama had a blast catching up with her Dance Mom Pals

We love spying on Diana at work


Eva's Softball Tournaments became a family affair!


Mama and Lea got to catch up after her vacation


Mama lost one of her greatest mentors

These two had the time of their lives at Zach Bryan

and Mama got spoiled with a homemade dinner by Mimi and Papa

We LOVED seeing Eva as "Oozie Loompa" in DRT's "We Are Monsters" - we even got to see her tap again!

Mama has been learning lots about real estate

Ally took the girls to the beach and they had a blast
While Mama and Daddy squeezed in a quick lunch/dinner date
We Christened the Fire Pit that Papa Bob built for us!

We finally made our Summer List

Pidge and Mama watched the Olympics Opening Ceremonies

We enjoyed our Annual Boogie Boarding Day BUT It wasn't Just Mama and Daughters, it was FAMILY Boogie Boarding Day :)


and we enjoyed some "steamahs" and "lobstah" afterwards

Mama and Daddy LOVED seeing the Red Sox and Yankees play at Fenway- thank you Laurel and Tom!

While Papa and the Girls enjoyed dinner and some more fire pit :)

What I'm Dreading

I know it sounds silly but I am already dreading Diana going off to college- I guess it's because I know wherever she lands...things will never be the same...keep the faith that they will keep getting better BUT know I will miss even her morning grumpiness-ha!  What will I do without that stress?  ;)

What I'm Working On

Oh so much...do you have a minute? ;)

Full time job (recruiting), 2nd job (real estate), managing the house/kids/schedules/meal planning, Blackout...you know the drill!

What I'm Excited About

A Sweet 16 Surprise in the making...some changes this fall and I will elaborate in another month or so...getting to see my girls do what they love :)

What I'm Watching/Reading

The Summer I Turned Pretty (yes again and so summery- how can you not watch it in its season?)

The Olympics- here and there!

and...My Two Books for July were....

The Housemaid Is Watching by Freida McFadden


“You must be our new neighbors!” Mrs. Lowell gushes and waves across the picket fence. I clutch my daughter’s hand and smile back: but the second Mrs. Lowell sees my husband a strange expression crosses her face. In that moment I make a promise. We finally have a family home. My past is far, far behind us. And I’ll do anything to keep it that way…

I used to clean other people’s houses—now, I can’t believe this home is actually
mine. The charming kitchen, the quiet cul-de-sac, the huge yard where my kids can play. My husband and I saved for years to give our children the life they deserve.

Even though I’m wary of our new neighbor Mrs. Lowell, when she invites us over for dinner it’s our chance to make friends. Her maid opens the door wearing a white apron, her hair in a tight bun. I know exactly what it’s like to be in her shoes. But her cold stare gives me chills…

Frieda never lets me down!  Just love her thrillers so much!  If you like suspense, check out one of her novels- yes this Housemaid series was great but my two favorites of hers were "The Teacher" and "The Coworker"


Swan Song by Elin Hilderbrand

Chief of Police Ed Kapenash is about to retire. Blond Sharon is going through a divorce. But when a 22-million-dollar summer home is purchased by the mysterious Richardsons—how did they make their money, exactly?—Ed, Sharon, and everyone in the community are swept up in high drama. The Richardsons throw lavish parties, flirt with multiple locals, flaunt their wealth with not one but two yachts, and raise impossible hopes of everyone they meet. When their house burns to the ground and their most essential employee goes missing, the entire island is up in arms.

I've been dreading this novel...well why you ask?  It is the last summer novel we can expect from Elin.  This was indeed her "swan song" and it was a wonderful way to go out on Nantucket anyway...love the way she tied in so many characters from her past novels...kept me wanting more..excited to see what she does next...I hear one of her projects is one she will be writing with her daughter about a prep school-can't wait!

What I'm Listening To

My Playlist entitled "Diana's Sophomore Year" and some recent hits...check out the playlist below...the kids are actually getting kinda sick of it in the Jeep- ha!

What I'm Wearing


As I mentioned recently, I haven't been good about taking pics of myself...it has been workout clothes while I work (in recruiting) and exercise- a suit/dress for in person meetings for recruiting and real estate and sometimes something fun on the weekends.  Last weekend I was more fun with a swimsuit and summery outfit over it and then some Red Sox attire for the game on Sunday..I promise I will start doing better with the pics again very soon!


Sample Weekend Fun Attire


A little Lilly with White Linen Pants- used it as a coverup and it was easy to toss on after the beach to head out for "steamahs"


Red Sox Attire FTW!


This is the suit and shoes I invested in- love it!




Qty: 1




What I'm Doing This Weekend

The DRT Shows are Friday Night- we will see Eva play Cruella Deville in 101 Dalmations AND Diana play Margot in Legally Blonde- we can't wait!  We will head out afterwards for dinner with our friends to celebrate 

Our Thespians ;)

I will most likely be doing real estate this weekend and then Rob and I are heading down to the south shore on Saturday night to see one of my bosses play with his band and we are golfing with friends on Sunday night- hope it is a productive and fun weekend!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month


So many things...birthdays...surprises...good news hopefully...school starting (well sad and excited for this all at once!)

What Else Is New?


I started meal planning for the fall...I love starting the school year with having at least one month of meals planned and even some prepped and in the freezer

Favorite Recent Amazon Purchase?

My "Sweet Caroline" Tee for the Sox game ;)

That's a wrap!  What's new with YOU?

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