
Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving and Nutcracker 2021!


Woosh....Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Did Thanksgiving Break Fly By for You too?  Wow....ours was jam packed with our annual traditions...lots of work and lots of fun...not much rest but at least things will quiet down a bit now...ha!  Who am I kidding?  ;)

Here is what all the craziness looked like

Tuesday Night

Rob and I helped set up at the theater...we took turns so we could get the girls to rehearsals and make sure they ate dinner...snapped a few shots of the action


I ended up taking the day off at the last minute...I realized I am not super human and can't take care of everyone and get everything ready for Thanksgiving if I am working at the same time...I ended up having to do some work but the pressure was definitely off and I could get my things done (I prepped one side each evening leading up to Thanksgiving so I was not overwhelmed that morning- that strategy has really helped me the last several years)

Anyway, I digress, Rob and I started with a date walk...



Then The Breton Girls met the Fournier Girls for our annual breakfast and had some laughs and delicious food!



That night, we brought back our tradition of "Thanksgiving Eve" or "Friendsgiving" and had a lovely evening catching up with friends and fam...




Happy Thanksgiving!  

Time to get "Tom" in the oven!



 Marshall and Remi manned the house and the rest of started the day with the Annual Turkey Trot- so happy that it was in person again this year!  Yeah!  The weather was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed the exercise, spending time with my family and watching Pidge rock her bike! ;)


After the trot, Zach got in one more squeeze before the big kids took off for their mom's house


and we got ready for our Turkey Day!


Mary's Yummy Sausage Appetizers


Relish Tray- Circa 1977- put this together for Rob and his Dad since Grammy used to make these all of the time...her spirit is living on


My Mom's Legendary Stuffed Mushrooms- they taste like my childhood Thanksgivings :)



We had a yummy day!  That evening Rob and I cleaned up...so fun but so so much work and then I set Diana's hair for dress rehearsal..the most exhausting part of my day for sure!  Then our little fam of four headed upstairs early to watch Christmas Vacation which has become another annual tradition :)


It was time for Black Friday with Cass- we headed out at 5am for a few hours- hit some stores and ended our time with breakfast at Mary Ann's...love our tradition

Then it was time for me to race home, do our COVID tests and get the girls hair and makeup done....

Then it was time for our LONG DAY of dress rehearsals (who a I kidding?  My day started at 4am and didn't end until 8pm)

Final Dress and Tech Rehearsals went really well...some mistakes...some things needing to be fixed but all in all...very well!  Even with all of the COVID stress swirling around us, it felt so good being with our people again and rehearsing at the theater!  


It was SHOW DAY...woohooo!  

Setting the stage at home...



Someone got to participate in senior warmups


Rob worked this show and I watched with our parents and some of our besties...it was the best I have seen yet...I was in awe!


After the show, one of Eva's besties surprised her with a flower....so cute!


Diana's besties all came to the show and then after I set her hair, she headed to their "Friendsgiving" and "Secret Squash" where they exchanged gifts...such a great group of girls!

We enjoyed our friends and family at home with some snacks





Show #2!  

 I worked back stage and Rob enjoyed the show with my Mom and the Fournier Girls

 We Love Ms. Tina...she kills me!


 Wes getting the Party Kids fired up with "Energy" (annual tradition)


Some backstage shots before the curtain goes up!

 The show was just as amazing as Saturday's show...got a couple of pics in between my work...


and how could I go wrong with rounding up this post with Mother Ginger ;)


That's a wrap...until next year...I have two girls in a post-show depression today but they went to school...Praise God...and we are moving forward!

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE



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