
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Monthly Musings: All About Fall Fashion (September 30, 2021)

Hi Friends and welcome to Monthly Musings!  Patty
 and I are so glad you stopped by!  We hope you will join in on our linkup fun and answer the questions above!  C'mon..it'll be fun!

Here we go!

1. Favorite Fall Fashion Pieces

Anything leather...love layering leather with fur.... and maybe even a leopard print too ;)

2. Favorite Colors To Wear in the Fall?

Black...brown...army green...and did I mention leopard?

3. Boots or Booties?

Depends on the outfit...truly


4. Are you a scarf person?

Yes...love circle scarves and bright colored ones too...here is one of my faves...



5. Favorite Fall Handbag?  Do you switch up bags for the season?


 My Louis Vuitton Monogram Neverfull

Yes I do change up the bags for the seasons too!

6. Trend you are most interested in trying this season?

 Distressed High Rise Black Jeans like these from American Eagle...they are calling to me ;)


7. Long Cardigan or Boyfriend Cardigan?


Would have to say long...I am partial to my soft black cardi when I am working from home :)



8. Are you a plaid person?

Yes!  I would say usually with scarves...and sometimes a top!





9. Vest or Puffer Coat?

Love them all..would have to say a puffer vest!



10. Do you change up your makeup for fall?

Not really...stick by the things that work for me...once in awhile you will see me get daring and try a dark or deep lipstick but that's about it 



Can't wait to read all about YOUR Fall Fashion!



Wednesday, September 29, 2021

What's Up Wednesday: September 2021


It is time for my favorite post and linkup for the month...we share all that has been UP with us!  Linking up HERE...and Here we go....

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti

Find my recipe HERE


Tuesday- Chicken Caesar Salads

Wednesday- Pasta with Baked Mini Chicken Meatballs in Tomato Cream Sauce (I will be sneaking in spinach)

Find the recipe HERE


Thursday- Breakfast for Dinner = Air Fryer Donuts, Eggs, Sausage and Berries

Friday- We will be eating out at Canobie Lake Park- yeah Screamfest!



 What I'm Reminiscing About


Last year and how so much was stripped away from us...this year....I am keeping a positive attitude as much as possible...when I am tired...and grumpy and can't stand one more meeting...I keep thinking..."this is a privilege"...Back To School Night/Open Houses...a privilege....getting everyone organized and on the bus on time?  A privilege!  Going to Family Faith on a Friday Night and helping to teach Eva to follow Jesus?  A privilege...can feel it more than ever....filled with gratitude..that I get to raise these girls and we are able to do so much of life now in person again...after last year....a true privilege 



 What I'm Loving


All of the quality family and friend time...and enjoying all of the early fall fun!




 What We've Been Up To


Even more magical after all of the homeschooling the last two years

We got our Back to School Haircuts of course!


I enjoyed celebrating my birthday with my besties and then with my mom at the beach!

All of the Blackout Cancer Activities- Eva's Lemonade

 Stand, Tee Shirts Sales, A Night with Pop Roks, Ladies

 Trivia Night and the BIG GAME...it was an honor


Saturday Mornings aren't just for date walks now....after two years, Diana and I are back to our Saturday morning tradition (after the date walk of course)...we head to our favorite Starbucks for breakfast and chatting before she heads to dance for three hours :)

 We are so excited!  Kayla and Marshall got engaged during a trip to Washington DC...so so happy!

Eva is back to Soccer and Hockey and Dance!



Diana is dancing 7 days a week!

We had a night out of fun with the Dance Fams

I paid a visit to one of my favorite places...

and we continue loving on Remi

and the girls auditioned for The Nutcracker!  Diana will dance the parts of Party Girl, Harpist and Chinese Ribbon and Eva will dance the parts of Baby Mouse and Polichinelle...they are excited!



The days of homework are back!

and behind the scenes work/laughs for the Nutcracker

We started Family Faith last week...we are all taking an active part in Eva's religious education now!

The dance pals LOVED the Dear Evan Hansen movie!

and we celebrated Laurel turning 50 with a top shelf celebration!




What I'm Dreading


Trying to think positively but COVID outbreaks....again trying to stay positive



What I'm Working On

Balancing- constant work in progress- family- health- work-life

What I'm Excited About

All of the fall fun coming up: The Milford Pumpkin Festival, ScreemFest at Canobie Lake Park, Pumpkins everywhere and Halloween of course!  We are also excited to be hosting an engagement party for Kayla and Marshall!



What I'm Watching/Reading

Oh my fave right now is Impeachment: American Crime Story (Monica Lewinsky) on FX

Ted Lasso


and the return of A Million Little Things


My Books This Month Were Fantastic

Yoga Pant Nation by Laurie Gelman (Book 3 in the Class Mom Series) just as outstanding and funny as the first two!

and my gift from Janie

another winner- oh how we love Melanie Shankle

On The Bright Side- Melanie Shankle

and wrapping up this month with a bonus book...another Chicken Soup Book...loved every story in this collection

Chicken Soup For The Soul: Angels All Around Us by Amy Newmark and Others


 What I'm Listening To

We already started with the Nutcracker...I know I know...but we are all into it so how can I argue?

What I'm Wearing

Most of the time it is workout clothes...a business outfit when I head into the office...then I throw on jeans and a black top for nights out...oh and I got to dress up for Laurel's party...it is the only pic I snapped of fashion this month...making a pact to get better doing this in October to show off some fun fall fashion!


What I'm Doing This Weekend

All sorts of fall fun...Canobie Lake Screemfest with Besties on Friday Night, Apple Picking and Lunch with the Fournier Girls on Saturday and lots of Nutcracker rehearsals and errands on Sunday!  Sunday is also Daddy's birthday so all the kids are coming home to celebrate!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

All of the spookiness and the return of some of our favorite fall traditions!

What Else Is New?


I think I covered it!  What's Up with YOU? :)

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