
Monday, March 31, 2014

Pharm Strat Baby Shower!

My team surprised me with a lovely baby shower today in our office

I was so touched; it was beautiful!

We enjoyed an awesome lunch together...everyone brought in such delicious food and they decorated with the prettiest balloons

and then I was treated to presents...presents...presents...Baby Eva is already spoiled!

Here are a few pics :)

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Daddy Daughter Dance 2014!

or as Diana used to call it....."The Dotty Dance"

Is there anything more precious?  Well maybe when you hear a little girl belt out every word of "Let It Go" from the famous Frozen....close tie!

A few pics before they were off :)

Insta Friday (March 28, 2014)

life rearranged

A Week in the Life!

My crazy girl in one of the outfits she put together- wow! ;)

Baby Eva's Latest Portrait :)

Girl Time= Therapy


Mimi's Birthday!

More Cheering!

#1 Champs!

Papa Bob's Bday

Kiddie Academy!

Diana's latest picture of me ;)

Parent Teacher Conference Time- Cutest Chair EVA at GBS :)

Hope you all had a GREAT WEEK...Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for...

Excellent healthcare...thoughtful doctors...trusting their watch

The ability to smile and bite my tongue...sometimes it is the best cure for stress!

Work/Life Balance

Great friends

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


1st Stop Providence Rhode Island- Advanced Spirit

Next Stop- Timberlane Regional High School for
Ultimate Cheer's "Spring It On!"

and for the first time, the ECE Tinys had COMPETITION...
and they came in

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