
Friday, June 29, 2012

Insta Friday

life rearranged

Capturing my week with the 'ole Instagram app! 

Snapshots of Girl's Weekend

 Cheer Camp= Big Hit!

All this jumping around makes a monkey hungry!

with Mama's Espadrilles on ;)

Zucchini Blossoms Year Two- See our recipe HERE!

Sushi with my Partner in Crime

and the big certificate of achievement from Coach Lynn (Mama even got a text telling her how cute and awesome the monkey was!)

Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am grateful:

For structure

For blind faith

For St. Joe

For best friends

For Coach Lynn

For the art of negotiating

For roots

For Windham

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Girls' Weekend 2012 (Portsmouth, NH)

and a great little escape it was...

We made some appetizers and chatted for hours with a few cocktails on Friday evening

Then we headed out for one more drink and app at The River House...and we even escaped a massive thunderstorm!

Yesterday morning we did a little boutique and consignment shopping because it was cloudy...got some great deals!

Then the sun came out :)  so of course...we headed to the beach!

Last night we tied one (or more) on...ha ha!!

First plastic bags went on our heads as we darted to a cab...my freshy friends video'd me and sent it to Rob...yeah kinda funny ;)

Then dinner at Brazo....delish!
 Cass, Me, Ann-Marie and Elisa

After a delicious Brazilian dinner, we went to the Gas Light Company.
We started at the dance club upstairs first...wow did that bring back memories!

and when we got hot...and tired (because we are in our 30's now)...ha ha! We headed to the outside downstairs area...sipped on some "buckets" and caught the last few minutes of the live band...on the way back to the townhouse/hotel, we picked freesia...:)  I know you girls will love that

Love you all...nothing like girl time :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Insta Friday

life rearranged

Capturing a Week in the Life via my iPhone

Friday Night at The Black Water Grill- Mimi and Papa joined us to watch Daddy at his gig- Daddy ordered the house specialty- Chicken Saute

Saturday Morning meant Breakfast at The Kitchen (got to eat outside!)

and then looking at houses with Gram and Papa

Getting some decorating ideas

Father's Day!

Last Day at Little Sprouts :(

Play Date 

Girls' Night at the Master Chef's House (Laurie)

Her "Pina Colada Martinis"
 Her homemade grape chutney with brie and garlic
 and of course the "Yennaco Guac"

Heading to Mimi and Papa's!

Packing up for Girls' Weekend- Homemade Cocktail Cups ;)

Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Summer List 2012

I loved doing this last year and hope we can check off all of our wishes this year!

This summer will be a bit different...though we will still strive to get to the beach as much as possible, things are a bit more hectic this year with trying to move!

Daddy needs to have a minor surgery soon, too, and that is really weighing on Mama's mind.

Our first prayer/wish/hope is for Daddy to have a successful surgery and healthy and speedy recovery!  (Really..nothing else matters...but we must keep Miss Diana occupied!)

Here is our 2012 List:

Nurse Daddy Back to Health

Sell Our Home

Sell Grammy and Papa's Home

Move into a new Home together

Have a picnic at Griffin with Alexis (this is something we did not get to do last year so it is a priority!)

Have a sleepover at Mimi and Papa's

Go to the beach as much as possible (DUH!) ;)

Bring Daddy lunch at work

Go to Benson's Farm 

Go to a Farmer's Market

Attend the Windham Town Day for the first time ever!

Go to Cheer Camp

Have a play date with our Dance Pals

and of course hit the July Gymboree Sale!  (WOOHOO!)
Can't wait to read all of your Summer Lists :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

A Great Day to Celebrate DAD!

We started by bringing my Dad Honeydew Donuts per his request.  Had a nice little visit :)

Later on, Rob got to spend some QT time with ZB and then we brought Chinese Food over to Papa Bob and shared some QT with the girls

I was bad about taking pics yesterday...we have alot going on and I am not very organized right now...

but I did happen to sneak this shot last night as Robby was unwinding with "The Monk"
We surprised Daddy with a weekend away at "the lake."  Since we have been together (10 years or so), I have resisted going to the lake.  I am an ocean girl.  However, I felt he finally put in his time so the "mini-fam" is going to sneak away this summer and head up to Lake Winnipesaukee for an overnight.  I told Rob, we can do whatever he wants to...he will just have to teach me...especially if it involves paddle boating or fishing!

Happy Father's Day my love...you deserve the best!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Me and My Girl

Some special shots I dug up...sometimes my heart hurts I love her soooo much!

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