
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Atlantis, Bahamas Vacation

Paradise Island?  It truly was!
I am so so grateful for the week we have just enjoyed.  Paradise Island was so beautiful and the Bahamas has the most beautiful water I have ever experienced in my entire life.  Once I immersed myself, I never wanted to get out!  We stayed at the Atlantis.  True to the feedback we received, it was the most expensive place we have ever been to, however, it was worth it and we truly enjoyed our quality family time.

View from our Room

Something I have been wanting to do for most of my life was to have three generations wearing Lilly Pulitzer.  I had a few major obstacles though.  I never knew if I was going to have a daughter.  I never thought I would be able to afford Lilly Pulitzer and I never thought I would be able to fit into her beautiful dresses.  Well it has taken me 38 (almost 39) years and I was able to buy dresses for my mom, me and my little girl.  Of course, we had to have Rob snap many pix as we hit this milestone!!


The first night we enjoyed dinner at The Courtyard Terrace over at The Ocean Club
The scenery was OUTSTANDING so we had to take some pics!

My beautiful parents

Dinner was in one word FANTASTIC

My handsome stepson Zachary...such a wonderful young man...and claimed that his steak was the best one ever..."soooo soft" hysterical

Our first full day there, we enjoyed the pool at our complex (when I say our complex, there are about 5 complexes at the Atlantis including 12 pools!) Some little monkey had the most fun!

Every corner you turned at The Atlantis, there were sharks and stingrays and beautiful aquariums.  This was a little grotto at our complex...Rob's favorite pals...the sharks!

The second night, we walked down to the Marina Village to hit Bimini Road but it was closed!  We decided, after that, to hit the Atlas Bar and Grill over at the Casino...fun...cas....and Diana slept through the whole meal!

Fun after dinner pix

Every morning we hit Starbucks "The Bucks"...everyone but me is sick of Starbucks coffee :)

The next day we hit the beach but not before we explored and took TONS of pics!


The Michael Jackson Suite...cost?  $125,000 per night!

and Diana had her hair braided by Esther!!

This guy pressured us into buying drinks...he was kind of a jerk but when he promised strong drinks, I couldn't resist (especially because I got to sip mine out of a coconut!)

I did some exploring of the aquariums with Mum and Dad

Snack Time at The Cave Bar and Grill- Conch Fritters and Mojitoes- DELISH!

The next night we headed out to The Point...Cas restaurant on the water...surrounded by boats...so pretty

After dinner, we enjoyed our favorite night over at Marina Village...a talented dude was singing and playing his guitar...Rob called him "Bahama B King" and I called him "Barry White"...either way, Diana had the most fun dancing to his music!

Rob's Favorite Pal (outside of the sharks)

More Fun Shots

Every time we passed the Joker's Wild Comedy Club AND the Chopstix restaurant, Rob had to make his "funny" comments...only Zach will appreciate this one

More Beach Time!

and then it was time to have some more fun...Zach took me on "The Rapids" which was a blast and then we all enjoyed watching him be a daredevil and hit the big slides including the Leap of Faith...so scary!  (he also convinced me to go on the dark and scary slide...I was shaking like a leaf after!  Rob and Zach enjoyed that one much more...I was able to snap their pics coming through the shark tunnel!)

Some more fun shots

Turtle...Turtle (Zach's Pals)

Zach's Other Pal...The Stray Cat

Our Swan

The coral that Zach caught in the ocean

One of the many yachts we saw

Final Night at Bimini Road...so much fun with Edward the Magician and the best Mojitos yet!

Rob and his "girlie drink"...won't live that down!


Dessert :)

The obligatory chair pix

Casino and Cocktail Time with Mum and Dad

Dusk on the beach...so beautiful

and our final day...we explored and captured as many more beautiful pictures as we could!

and my pal as Rob calls him :)

and heading home...

Thank God for such a beautiful trip :)

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