
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diana at 7 Months

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Mimi's Bday!

WARNING! Overdue post- we celebrated Mimi's bday last weekend! Papa Pete treated us all to Houston's in Fanuel Hall and we had a blast...Diana, as you will see, enjoyed her Gerber turkey and sweet potatoes :)

Everyone got burgers but me...of course. I got the Thai Tuna Roll and it was AWESOME:)

Swim Lessons-Week Three!

Enjoy these pix and there is a video at the bottom!

Dinner with Pat and Joanne

It was so nice to see Pat and Joanne last night. It was the first time, we got to enjoy a night out- just the four of us.

They are such great friends and treated us to a delicious meal at Giacomo's in the South End....they walked! They walk everywhere. That is why they are in such great shape :) They live right in the city.

We had some great laughs and enjoyed some delicious wine.

Dinner at our house is next!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Swim Lessons- Week Two with Daddy in the Pool!

Another successful swim lesson at the Workout Club in Salem :)
Diana had a ball and Daddy did too!

SHHAARRRRONNN!!! (Ozzy Osborn Style Per Zack)

Sharon came home again and this time she brought a friend! She brought her little Maya Bee :) Maya was born two months after Diana.

It was wonderful to meet her- she is a beautiful little baby and Sharon is a natural...she is enjoying motherhood more than she ever thought she would!

Ally and I tried desperately to keep Diana awake but because we went to the mall with Mimi earlier in the day, she would not nap...too many things to look at and she didn't want to miss anything!

Thank goodness Sharon is here for a month so she will be able to meet Diana before returning to France again.

I can't wait for Sharon to move back here for good- I miss her so much!

We really had a heart to heart last night and she gave me some of the best advice I have heard in awhile. We are having major pay cuts at work and we, as a family, will be very lucky if we can stay in the house and town we live in. We need prayers and I know I will do whatever it takes to help us get through this but the economy has finally caught up to us and it is a very scary time.

Sharon really made me think that everything is going to be okay and I even slept through the night!

I love you mon cherie- thank you for everything!
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