
Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Favorites (July 19, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday...we made it!  Before we get started I just wanted to thank you all for your messages about Clark...he truly was one in a million...we will miss him and ensure that his values are carried on!

I also need to make mention that so many stars have been passing away...Bob Newhart...Shelly Duvall...Richard Simmons...although it is always sad, Shannen Doherty is hitting me the hardest...she was part of my childhood..I literally grew up with her....Beverly Hills 90210 was my favorite show growing up and still remains one of my favorites...I followed her breast cancer battle and boy did she put up a long fight...rest in peace...Brenda Walsh will live on forever!

and now some recent faves...


Good Sleep

On a good run...let's hope it continues

Daily Exercise

and outside...loving the Rail Trail!


Do you remember Ban de Soleil Sunscreen in the 80's?  Well check out this bad boy....saw the ad on Facebook and had to give it a try...it is exactly like the old stuff....hello my orange gelee friend!

Zach Bryan

Well I like him...I wouldn't call him a fave BUT he is one of Diana's and I took these lovely girls to his show on Wednesday night at Gillette...I did the drop off...Rob did the pick up and it worked out so well...they described it as one of the best nights of their lives...consider that a win!  So cute!

Mama Got Spoiled

My fave of the night was heading to my parents once I dropped the girls off...they spoiled me with an amazing dinner and we had a blast catching up...my heart is full!


Have always been a fave and there is a new little bagel cafe near Eva's camp so we have stopped here a couple of times- just love it!

Blackout In Full Force!

We are adding a bakery to our list of sponsors this year...they are going to make smiley face cookies for us for the month of September (Childhood Cancer Month) and we are getting a portion of the proceeds- so excited!  I love seeing Blackout support all over town and I can't wait to see these bad boys being sold!

That's a wrap!  We have a pretty chill weekend...Eva's show tonight....Mama is working in real estate tomorrow...not sure what tomorrow night will bring...Sunday no plans so we may just head to the beach...we shall see!  What are you all up to?


Maria Rineer said...

Love the quote from Sandra Bullock- so true! Speaking of celebrities, yes, so sad that many have lost their lives recently including one from our generation, Shannon D. My girls love Zach Bryan and would have loved going to see him. They considered getting tickets but ultimately decided not to. Love the concert pics! Glad Diana had a great time. I hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the show tonight!!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

I loved reading about your week today! I'm so sorry I've been MIA. I am wanting to catch up with everyone, but I can only handle small doses of being here. Everything makes me so sad! I know my friends understand, though. On a lighter note, my son Jonah went to see Zach Bryan at Nissan Stadium in Nashville a few weeks ago, and he said the same thing. They had the best seats, and it was before the really hot weather kicked in; it was his first huge concert. They've been to smaller concerts, of course, but nothing on that scale. I hope you enjoy your weekend, my friend. Thank you for always being a source of encouragement to me!

Joanne said...

What a wonderful week of favorites! Sounds like the girls had a great night at the concert while you got to spend a wonderful night with your parents.

Memphis Bridges said...

Love all those memes! Enjoy the weekend!

Sunshine and Books said...

That's a great list of favorites. I agree that so many celebrities have passed recently and Shannon - oh man that was a toughie! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and boss Clark. Your dinner and evening with your parents sounds so great! Your quotes to start off the post were so good! Follow that joy friend! Hope the real estate weekend was great!

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