Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Annual Daddy Daughter Dance!

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that the Daddy Daughter Dance is one of our favorite events all year!

This was Diana's 8th dance!

Let's take a trip down memory lane :)

2011 (Read about it HERE )
2012 (Read about it HERE )
 2013 (Read about it HERE )

2014 (Read about it HERE )

2015 (Read about it HERE )

2016 (Read about it HERE )

and this year was the first year that Eva, a.k.a Pidge, joined in on the fun.  The girls were so excited to get dressed up and get their corsages from Daddy.  They had a "pre-dance party" in our kitchen!
Snapped a couple of shots before they headed off to the big event

and Rob snapped a few pics at the dance

Rob also got a couple of videos of Eva dancing- so precious- going to try and figure out how to share them here!


  1. So cute! I love Diana's dress from last year- so fashionable! And um can we talk about that Beast? My daughter would FLIP out crying! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. I love this! What beautiful corsages he gave to the girls. They will always have these wonderful memories.
