Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Town Election 2017!

Today I am talking about our town ELECTION!
Linking up with Erika for Tuesday Talk HERE

We experienced VICTORY and we CELEBRATED!
We celebrated because all of the hard work paid off.  We celebrated because Rob was elected by our town to represent us on the school board for another three years.  Finally, and most importantly, we celebrated, because our school finally passed and the overcrowding in our entire district will now be solved- Praise the Lord!

It was an exciting weekend!

Friday night, Election Eve, the kids all came over for pizza and to sleep over.  Rob went out to set up his election tent and to put up last minute signs.  Lea came over to hang with me for a little bit...and give me the moral support I was desperately needing.
I snapped a pic of the kids because they were just too cute!

While we were home, Rob was doing this!

After crashing on Friday night, we were up at 5:30am on Saturday- yes even an early bird like me has trouble getting up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays!
We had to get Eva ready for dance and Diana ready for her cheer comp because they were both getting picked up at the polls.  Again- it truly takes a village!
I promised doughnuts and treats if everyone cooperated.  All in all it was ok but the kids were tired and cold and not very happy ;)

Greer and I- Campaign Managers- got to the polls first to bring all of our supplies for the day including vats of coffee!  We had to snap a selfie of course ;)
 As the day went on, we got to see more and more of our neighbors and friends at the polls- one of my favorite days all year.  It always reminds me how wonderful our community is.
We had our friend Dave take our family pic.  The last time we took this picture was three years ago when Rob was running the first time AND Pidge was still in my belly :)

 Papa picked up Eva and took her to her dance class and then the big kids spent the day with her.  Lea picked up Diana to bring her to her cheer comp (the first comp I had to miss).  Grateful for such awesome family and friends!

Throughout the day.....

and we were keeping it very fun.  We even played music!  I actually snapped a quick video.  Check it out- I am such a nerd :)

 Once I left, I headed home to change and get ready for a night that my friend Brenda planned- a wine festival and dinner- girls night out.
Normally, I would stay at the polls and wait for the results but Rob and I had talked about it.  I wasn't mentally ready to hear the results either way.  If I were to cry, which I am known to do, I didn't want to be around strangers.  I wanted to be with friends and that is just what I did.

We started at the Chocolate, Wine and Cheese Festival at the Radisson Hotel in Nashua.  It was an ok event- not much wine and lines were long but we made the most of it- it was fun just being out together!
There was one wine I liked and Laurel ended up finding it at the Mobil station in our town-great wine- $17 and at the gas station?  For the win!

After the festival, we Ubered it over to my favorite restaurant Surf!  I was still kind of anxious because we were waiting for the results.  I passed the time by laughing with my friends and sipping on cocktails.  Then we got our table.
Since we had to wait so long, the restaurant brought us over some complementary appetizers- so nice!
Then my friend Alison started getting the results- I was so happy to learn that Rob not only won but he got the most votes again.  He and one of his running mates, beat out the competition and they both doubled the votes of their opponents- outstanding!
Then, when I heard that the school finally passed, I screamed and then cried- we apologized to the waitress but it was not possible to hold back that joy!
I went outside to call Rob and congratulate him- Cloud 9...pure exhaustion but living on adrenaline!

After that, we toasted to our "new school system" and then took our obligatory group shot!

We Ubered home and then I met up with Rob and some friends at The Common Man- they were still celebrating and I was able to share a toast at the end of a very long day...on the highest note ever!

So proud of my husband- he always proves that doing the right thing- working hard and showing people respect pays off sometimes....and did I mention we got our school????  ;)


  1. Congratulations!! Looks like a fun time celebrating :)

  2. How exciting, and I'm sure you're glad it's OVER! I've considered running for school board, but I'm hoping to teach in my home district next year, so I guess that won't work. Our board definitely has a huge impact on our teachers and students. Congrats again!

  3. Congrats, that is wonderful news! I'm sure you two are both exhausted, enjoy some "down time" now, haha!!
