Monday, October 10, 2016

Fall Weekend Recap

I love doing a weekend recap.  I love even more when I can tell you that I had the coziest Friday night ever!

If you have been reading for awhile then you know I treasure my Friday nights.  When Rob has a gig, I put the kiddos to bed and then I curl up on the couch and watch a romantic movie or catch up on my shows along with a yummy dinner and glass of wine.  It is pure bliss.

During crazy busy times in my life like this cheer season, quiet Friday nights at home are few and far between.  With cheer comes many responsibilities and there are always fun fall things to do.  I'm not complaining, believe me, I just love to relax ONCE in awhile ;)

Since it was a half day for the kiddos, Diana and I enjoyed apple picking with our besties in the afternoon 

 After apple picking, Claribel did my hair and then it was time for a cozy Friday night- veggie pizza from Prosciutto's and DVR catch up- I really enjoyed this week's episodes of Younger and Greys Anatomy
along with a glass of wine from a bottle my friend Coleen gave me- she is a wine connoisseur and this bottle did not disappoint!


I am so happy to be writing these words.  I WENT GOLFING!  I so needed the exercise and the relaxation and quality time with my new friends.  We couldn't get a tee time at our favorite place WCC but we enjoyed 9 holes over at Hoodcroft.  We couldn't stay away from WCC though so we bopped on over there afterwards for lunch and got very silly.

We really love a good selfie-can you tell?  (especially our robber friend) ;)

Rob was so good.  He encouraged me to go; he knows how stressed I have been and said I know you need this.  While I was playing, he took the girls to Eva's gymnastics and dance classes.  Dance ended being a little better because Miss Carlene let Diana stay in the room and "help."  So Eva came around- for the win!
Rob texted me this pic while I was golfing- yep my heart melted :)

and the bribery worked too- here she is with her big doughnut after class...hey whatever it takes right? 

Saturday night it was time for some Fall Fun!
Salem MA is the headquarters for all things scary, as you may know.  The Witch Museum is there and for the entire month of October they run "Haunted Happenings."  This year, for the first time, they put on a new event called "Pumpkins in the Village."
Lea, who is obsessed with Halloween, insisted we go so we did.  It was really fun and the kiddos had a ball.  There were trails in Salem's Pioneer Village with jack-o-lanterns lit up.  There were colonial folks telling ghost stories outside and in these old homes and when you exit, you walk along the ocean (my happy place!)

After the event, we headed over to the Regatta Pub at the Salem Waterfront Hotel for dinner.  The hotel was decorated so beautifully so we had to snap some more pix!  Dinner was great...service very slow...but still great.  Our little ones were wiped by the end of the night!!

We headed to mass to start our day off the right way.
Then after relaxing, I headed to our football game in the pouring rain.  Thank God for one of our dads who brought us a tent.  It was miserable out but our girls fought through it.  They actually had so much fun cheering under the tent!

When we all got home, I made Shay's Cheeseburger Soup!  Friends if you haven't made it yet, do it tonight!
It completely tastes like a restaurant cheeseburger and it is SO EASY to make.  I guess that is what I like about Shay's recipes- they are simple and quick!
Check out the recipe HERE 

There ya have it- a wonderful fall weekend!
Hope you have a great week friends!

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