Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday Favorites (October 7, 2016)

Yeah Yeah it's FRI....DAY!!!!!!!  Woohoo!
My favorite day all week.....Here are some favorites from this week
and as always, linking up with Andrea, Erika and Narci HERE

Celebrating my hubby turning 50 was awesome!  Our family and closest friends toasted the wonderful man he is!  We had a blast and I was happy all night just watching him have fun.  Here is to 50 more Robby B!

Weekends with these nuggets- although they exhaust me, they always make me laugh and I enjoy spending time with them!

and check out these besties- they melt my heart when they are together

One of my favorite things to do on the weekends, is hang out with friends either at our house or theirs.  It is such a cozy feeling knowing we are right in town, chilling and catching up on everything.  Last weekend we headed to Lea and Mike's for an awesome night of catching up, dinner and fun.  Diana got brave and held their new puppy and I made one of my fall snack mixes- it got devoured and Lea ended up making it the next day because the kids were demanding it!  (Love when that happens!)

Speaking of Miss Lea, we love to surprise each other with little treats.  Check out the Halloween handsoap she picked up for me at Bath and Body Works
"Goul Friend" LOVE IT!  She is obsessed with Halloween and she has the most beautiful decorations that she has been collecting for years.

So anyone who knows me, knows I HATE birds- always have- always will.
My grandmother used to say they bring bad luck.
In addition to having that implanted in my brain, I hate their feathers, their wings and the sounds of their chirping and wings swooping- YUCK!
Well....the birds are fighting back.  I LOVE the pumpkins I put in my planters on our front landing.  What do you think happened?  Yep.  A bird started eating one of our pumpkins.  I knew I heard some bird noises outside, but as always, I ignore them because they make me sick.  Later on, when I looked out the door, I saw a huge chunk missing out of one of them and I FLIPPED out.  Definitely not a Friday Fave but you know what was?  My hubby spraying the pumpkins after with hairspray.  Even funnier?  Diana coming home from dance and saying, "wow these pumpkins smell great!  I wonder why?"

and the Halloween Bash Committee is hard at work- it is so fun to get the "behind the scenes perspective" this year.  I think we are going to have an amazing event with some new touches this year- can't wait!

Recipe of the Week!
Crockpot Beef and Broccoli- Oh my Gosh- seriously friends?  Make it tonight!
Check out the recipe HERE 
 This week's meals are as follows:

Meatless/Meatlovers Monday (see how we changed that? Rob's idea): Sheppard's pie for the fam (Rob's request and he made it- it was his actual birthday and what he wanted to do) and leftover Margarita Chicken Soup for Mama

Taco Tuesday Baked Chicken Tacos

Pasta Worthy Wednesday Paleo BLT Pasta

Anything Thursday Crockpot Beef and Broccoli with Brown Rice    

Friday Night Pizza Night- Take Out Pizza from Prosciutto's!  

Wolverines Board Meetings are always entertaining.
Last night took the cake during our 2017  nominations- Angela cracks me up- felt like I was back in Middle School ;)
and then hitting up Old School after for a Pumpkin Draft and Brown Sugar Rim was a perfect way to catch up and end the night!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  We are excited for some fun fall festivities- stay tuned for the pics!

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