Tuesday, October 11, 2016

10 on 10: October 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month! {Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Reading my favorite blogs first thing in the morning

Replacing the attacked pumpkin!  All is normal again in Halloweentown

After breakfast and the trampoline park with pals and before dinner with the fam, we got into the spirit and watched Halloweentown High...love my little witch

 Feeling the fall coziness (and loving the roses from my hubby)

 Getting the mail and checking on my friends in the front yard ;)

Headed to Old School for a fam dinner- thank you Joan and Dan for the gift card!

Celebrating someone doing poop in the potty.....at Old School ;)

Family Selfie!

Nothing like coming home to a clean house!

Nighty Night

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