Monday, June 12, 2023

Hello Monday! (June 12, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.


We are coming off another very full more and then we can decompress and enjoy summer a bit!  Before that, let's recap shall we?!



Friday Night


I was excited to have a quiet night before a crazy weekend.  Rob and Eva went to a batting practice and Diana and I crashed early.  It was so darn relaxing that I didn't even take one pic!  I was in bed early and very happy about it- ha!





The whirlwind began...Rob and Eva headed to Rochester NH (about an hour away in the Sea Coast area) for her softball tournament.  He was able to help coach her first game and then we had friends take care of her the rest of the day.  


He then took off for home.  While they were gone, I made a fruit salad and brought Diana to her dance party - it is a potluck and they celebrate the graduating seniors.

She was writing her special notes to the seniors here before we took off :)




Later on, it was time to pick her up, meet Rob and head to Sophie's grad party.  It was lovely and we got to catch up with friends.



That evening, we headed to Bree's graduation party across town.  It was another chance to catch up with friends and celebrate another amazing graduate!

 (Sorry forgot to snap some pics)


We crashed early...well once our friends dropped Eva off...she was WIRED!  She sent me the cutest pics of the girls at dinner these kids! 





We were all up bright and early.  Rob and Eva headed back up to Rochester to continue the tournament.


Diana stayed home to study for finals and I headed to Amanda's Bridal Shower (Janie's daughter).  It was BEAUTIFUL!




When I got back, Diana and I quickly changed and headed up to Rochester.  We were able to catch most of Eva's 2nd game and then...they made it to the championship game!!!



 Then...they became the champions!!!!!  This was their first tournament win- so proud of them- they are a great group of girls!







 It was a full and great weekend!  3 and 1/2 days of school left...we got this!  :)


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  1. What a weekend filled with all the joys of life! Now, I need a nap after reading this. It's not lost on me how we are celebrating the heck out of everything now and I love it and it's so important to show up.
    Happy Monday!

  2. Congrats to Ava!! That is so cool that her team won. All the parties that you went to look so nice. What a special time of year for so many. Exciting about your school year ending!! It seems like we've been out for a long time though it's only been a few weeks... I hope you have a great Monday!

  3. What a great and full weekend! I know you're so proud of Ava and her team! I love that picture of her with her friends. Three and a half days...woohoo! You've got this. I know you'll love some downtime on the weekend soon! Here's to long summer nights and more time poolside.

  4. Holly, I'm glad you had a nice weekend and I hope enjoy this week!

  5. What a full weekend! Love the softball picture of them flexing their muscles, and what a beautiful bridal shower. Have a wonderful week!

  6. What a fun, fun weekend! Congrats to your daughter and her team.

  7. That is a fun and busy weekend! So much good stuff! Good luck in the last week of school!!
    Sarah @Sunshine & Books
