Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Favorites (June 9, 2023)


Hi Friends!  We made it!  Yeah!

Linking up HERE and sharing some recent faves.....


Team Lunch

Love these people!


Our Watch Dog ;)

Senior Breakfast

Love being part of this tradition every year- best turnout yet!


It was the end of the Rec season this week- so cute.  The tournament season continues!

Round Up Day!

We loved seeing Eva in the Western Round Up Day at her school.  The kids sing songs, play songs on their recorders and share some fun facts.  She was sooo into it- hysterical!

and flash back to Diana's Round Up Day back in 2017


Awesome Night's Sleep?

I will take it!

That's a wrap my friends!  Gearing up for a super busy weekend- 2 grad parties and a Bridal Shower- we can do it!


  1. The Western Round Up day looks so fun. We had a Pioneer Day in 4th grade to celebrate Indiana's history. We churned butter, made homemade candles and did many other things (apparently most of which I forget). Great job on the sleep- that had to have felt wonderful the next morning! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Happy Friday honey! Boy did I need those motivational quotes at the beginning of your post. Have a beautiful weekend you are going to get it all done, and do it all brilliantly, and have fun too!

  3. What a great week! I love Eva's pictures in the Roundup. What a fun tradition!

  4. What a great week! And I am very jealous of your sleep. Have the Best weekend.


  5. So... do you ever have a quiet week or weekend?! LOL. What a wonderful week. I love that senior breakfast and I bet that full night of sleep felt amazing.

  6. What a fabulous senior breakfast! And loved your top!! Have a great weekend.

  7. What a great week! That senior breakfast looked amazing! I would love to get 8 hours sleep for once!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  8. I loved all those quotes! The senior breakfast looks amazing and you have inspired me to go to bed earlier. The full night's sleep you got must have felt so good!

  9. I love those memes. That is so true about blocking someone. It does apply too in real life.
    What a cute little watch dog you have.
    The senior breakfast looks like a great tradition.
