Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Favorite Memorial Day Weekend Recipes


Hi Friends!  With Memorial Day Weekend Quickly Approaching, I thought I would share some of our favorite recipes that are on repeat as we kick off the summer in these parts.  So I am giving you a little time to whip up a menu that will be sure to impress.

This year, we are kicking off our Memorial Day Weekend with a ladies birthday get together for Cass....Daddy will be covering the softball game that night!  The rest of the weekend will be filled with softball and getting together with family and friends....exact schedule to be determined and we tend to wait for the weather forecast in these parts!

Anyway, I are some dishes I plan to whip up for the long weekend...

Red White and Blue Bites (Version 1)

Watermelon, Feta and Blackberry Skewers (garnish with mint if you choose)

Beautiful- Patriotic - Refreshing

Red, White and Blue Bites (Version Two)

Crackers, Strawberries, Blue Cheese and Drizzle with Truffle Honey

Patriotic- Simple- Oh So Delish!

Lobster Roll Sliders (Find My Recipe HERE)

Nothing screams summer more than lobster in New England!



Fruit Salsas


First, The Pioneer Woman's Watermelon Pico de Gallo (Find the Recipe HERE )

 Patriotic and Refreshing!



and Strawberry Salsa

Find the Recipe HERE


  It is such a nice alternative to regular salsa- I typically serve this with pita chips or blue tortilla chips for a patriotic twist!

Hope you give one of these a try- let me know!




  1. These recipes make me so happy! They all look so yummy and perfect way to kick off summer!

  2. They all sound delicious; especially those lobster sliders.

  3. If we do any hosting for the 4th of July, I will be making the strawberry salsa and will try to find blue chips. Fun and yum combined!!

  4. Those recipes look so delicious! Makes me wish we celebrated Memorial Day over here!
