Monday, May 4, 2020

Hello Monday and Hello Week 8 of Quarantine

Hi did you all make out this weekend?  The weather was finally beautiful here in New England so we took full advantage!  It definitely helps the spirits for sure!

Here is what our little weekend looked like....

Friday night, after a successful trip to Trader Joe's (more on that later this week), we enjoyed takeout from 603 Brewery- if you are local, I highly recommend.  The girls shared a Mac N Cheese and Chicken Tender dinner and Rob and I shared the Pulled Pork and Veggie Dinner- thumbs up all around!

Then, Rob did a FB live concert with his band mate Kevin and it was amazing...I actually multi-tasked and while watching and listening to them play, I participated in our Virtual Windham Wine Club with some of my fave ladies- ha! 

 and the wine I brought to our tasting was a little gem I picked up at TJ's by Francis Ford Coppola called "Director's Cut". It was a cab and it was great!  

On Saturday, it finally felt like Spring!  I binge-watched one of my favorite shows of all time "Smash" while waiting for Diana to wake up ;)
  (If you love theater/Broadway/musicals, this is a must see and according to some of our friends from that world VERY realistic)

Once Diana was up, we headed out for a very long felt so good to finally feel warm again!!

Later on, we cooked on the grill and then Daddy headed out for a guys night, bonfire at a friends (sitting 6 feet apart) and the girls and I got cozy

Yesterday, it was another beautiful day!  Diana and I decided to hit Griffin Park for our walk and it was crowded!  I think everyone is climbing the walls at this point- eek!  We walked for two miles and then picked up protein shakes at The Nutrition Corner- supported another small business.

The girls got to ride bikes and play outside quite a bit while Daddy did some yard work.

I got to see my besties for the first time in awhile.  BA had us over to sit by her pool....6 feet apart as you will see in the photo below (her hubby is a State Trooper and made sure we were being compliant)


It was so nice to catch up and chat...and yes made me a little sad...just want to hug my I will leave you with this meme...

Have a great week friends!

Linking up with Heather and the crew HERE for Hello Monday


  1. I got to see some of my girlfriends this weekend too, but yes I just want to hug my people!! <3

  2. It was good to see our people this weekend too!

  3. Looks like a great weekend! I am with you about the long hugs. I miss hugs and people in general!!!
    -Ashley /

  4. Sounds like a fun, busy weekend! That's nice y'all got to hang out with friends even while social distancing!

  5. We really enjoyed the warmer weather this weekend too! In fact while hiking yesterday I actually (almost said!) it was too hot to hike. Then I thought about it and smiled.

  6. It is so good to see friends from 6 feet, but I agree, I can’t wait to hug them!! The weather was so lovely and it sounds like you and Diana had some great walks!! Have a great week!
