Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How To Work Effectively From Home

Hi Friends!  I know many of you are new to working-from-home, given the current state of affairs.  Some of us have been doing this for years.  I believe you either love it or you hate it but either way, we do what we have to do! 

I have been fortunate that over the last 12 years, I have been able to work a few days/week from home.  Being a Recruiter, we can really do our jobs from anywhere...we just need a phone and a computer and we are good to go!

Truth be told, I enjoy my time in my office as I feed off my colleagues and love to hear the various conversations- I always want to be learning and growing and my office time gives me that benefit.

Nevertheless, I LOVE my days working from home!  There is nothing like getting your little one on the bus or enjoying a snack or a story together in between work.  These days, it is all from home and I crave that balance again.  These days can be too much to handle sometimes but keeping it all in prospective and know this is temporary.  So trying to soak up these days as I can while my girls are 11 and 6....before you know it they will be out in the big world...ok anyway let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I thought I would put together a few tips for you on how to work effectively from home.  You can take whatever you  may need or want.  These are just things that have worked for me over the last 12 + years and I think, by now, I have a proven track record as I not only get my job done but I have also had to hit various sales numbers over the years and I make sure I am doing everything I can to make that happen so here we go!

Oh yeah...and this has always been my mantra....in recruiting...sales....working with clients...what I practice always...

Ok....here are some tips...what has worked for me...

Dedicated Space

This is my little slice of heaven....I LOVE my desk...my office...it is where I get my work done and also have my decompression time and watch my favorite shows at night and on the weekends!  The 2nd shot is the view my girls and hubby see- I usually look up and ask yes??  Diana does the best impressions of me working...she makes us laugh :)

Anyway, you need a dedicated space to work and be productive- the kitchen table or living room couch just aren't ideal...you need your sacred space for focus and productivity.  Find a quiet corner- do what you have to do to make a dedicated work space.


Staying organized is KEY!  Through blogging, I have learned about all kinds of planners and calendars.  A popular brand in the blogging world is Erin Condren planners.  

I know two of my besties who would love these as they still love paper calendars.  The rest of us are more "high tech" if that is what you can call it.  I started using Microsoft Office for work several years back.  It wasn't until I joined Willmott that I truly embraced the Office Calendar app.  I put EVERYTHING in this calendar- business calls, meetings, reminders as well as all of my personal reminders.  It is so helpful to have everything at my finger tips and in one place!  I love that the same calendar is on my laptop AND my phone- can access it anywhere!  This has been the key for me to be able to stay organized.


 I would be lost without my phone and my pc and nowadays, Zoom too!  If you have the right technology, you won't stress about it and you won't even think about it...you can just get to work and the best technology will enhance your work and not be a hindrance.


I saved the best for last because I believe this is the most important component of all.  If you are not self-disciplined, self-driven or self-motivated than working-from-home may not be for you.  You really have to set your daily goals, decide what you want to accomplish and make it happen when no one is standing over you.  I love this.  I love meeting and exceeding my goals and feeling accomplishment at the end of my work day!  It fuels me to keep going...keep facing rejection...and keep striving to make the best placements ever.

Do you ever work from home?  Any tips you would like to share?  Would love to hear what works for all of you too!

1 comment:

  1. Your office is so cozy! I have a dedicated office too but with the kids home I end up working around them. And I still have a paper planner although admittedly, I have not been good about using it this last month.
