Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week 7 Edition)

Wrapping up Week 7 here of Friday we will be able to say that we have made it through 2 months of quarantine...home schooling and working from some glimpses of joy from our week and linking up with the lovely ladies, as always, HERE

Kendra Scott

I always love Kendra Scott.  I am partial to her Rayne Pendant in a variety of colors!  Well right now, the company is giving back to various COVID-19 charities including Feeding America.  Check out some of their work HERE and have fun shopping!  I snagged some awesome Mother's Day gifts for my mom and a few gifts for my besties' birthdays!


Another bonus from a trip to Whole Foods was their variety of Yeti products.  I snagged this one...don't you just love the color and the size?  It is perfect for keeping drinks cold for hours on end!  Hope to really enjoy this, this summer!

Extended Remote Learning

This really isn't a fave but we should be grateful that we have the capabilities.  On Wednesday at noon, we got in line at Eva's school.  We turned in all of her completed work from the last 6 weeks and picked up her work for the remainder of the school year = 7 weeks.  We got to say hello to her teacher and wave and watch her silliness but it made all of us so is very hard to remain positive all the time during this time...we are mourning so much and remembering how lucky we were :(


My friend from one of my prayer groups, Kristen, has a passion for painting and just started making these adorable signs.  Aren't they just perfect for summer?

Virtual Book Club

Hey....we didn't let the damn virus cancel book club...we made the most of it with Zoom last night and it was so good for the soul...everyone always agrees after these Zoom calls, however, that it does bring you joy but then it makes you so sad just want to see your people in person...give them a hug and share quality time- ugh- anyway- brought me an hour of joy last night anyway!

and last but not for last.....

Have I mentioned that I LOVE my town?

Have a wonderful weekend friends


  1. And have I mentioned I love you! These are so many of my favorite things here and you can make a cocktail for two in your big Yeti! I need that pineapple float, we’re getting in the pool tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

  2. I cannot imagine working full time and home schooling and taking care of the house, cooking, etc. You’re doing it all and doing it with grace. I have some good days and some sad days. The weather needs to improve here in NY because all this rain isn’t helping. I got the same yeti and I love it. I did end up getting the handle and it’s amazing, made it so much better, easier to hold. I hope this ends soon, but safely. I too just want to hug my friends. I also want someone to cook my food, serve me and clean up! Waitresses, bartenders and cooks all deserve huge raises.

  3. Aww that sign in your town is so sweet! I have been having zoom calls with my friends and it revives me a little. But I def wish I could see everyone in person!

  4. Those signs are so cute, perfect for summer!

  5. Loving that blue Yeti! Have a Good weekend girl.


  6. I think I have that exact same Yeti! I love it and use it every day; truth be told I have two that are exactly the same and I rotate them but ever since I started using them I am doing so much better about drinking lots of water each day. I find that I am really drawn to that color this year.

  7. Those signs are so cute!! Your friend is so talented! I love that Yeti cup! Perfect size, perfect color, so ready for summer! That’s neat that your teachers did that. I think our kids and teachers would really benefit from a little real life face time. Even if its just saying hi from the car window. But I can see how it would be sad after. Have a great weekend Holly!
