Wednesday, March 18, 2020


It's no secret I love structure....organization....a plan...a goal...and lists....

This schedule has been shared so many times on Facebook over the last week and I thought we would give it a try.

Rob and I tag team so when one of us is working, the other one supervises the activities that need supervision i.e. Academic Time/School Work

One thing I have already learned?  My girls LOVE structure too...they need it as much as we do...maybe even more

They are asking "what's next?" They are very excited when they ask too....I hope the novelty doesn't wear off- eek!  (Especially since we are only approaching Day 3 of this quarantine)

We are tweaking things for Diana (less creative time and more academic time because she received a boat load of work to do) but other than that, this schedule works for us.  Londonderry Dance Academy is offering virtual classes so the girls will take their "classes" from 3-5 and even sometimes later for Diana so dinner will be moved on certain days.

Just grateful we have options during this maddening time....for me, it is helping me from going crazy as I try to keep producing....let me know what you have tried.  Have you tried this schedule?  What is working for you?  


  1. I love and crave structure as well! And the kids need it more than ever and so do we! Hang in there beautiful lady!

  2. Thank you so much for keeping up with this blog, I look forward to reading them every morning.
    I am so very dissapointed that so many aew taking time off this week.
    I will be on the lookout for new blogs!

    Stay well!

  3. Our schedule is very similar and my kids also love looking at what is next! That is so awesome you have virtual dance lessons. I wish my kids had options to continue with their activities.

  4. I am trying to shut down at 4pm and go on a run or walk with our dog Stormy. Hockey Guy has been pacing me on his bike and it is a Good way to get out of the house and calms down my stress level from the virus and trying to work at home.

    Stay well!

  5. We're working from home too. Little bit trickier with having a one year old that needs more constant supervision but Ron & I just trade off so each of us can get work done and nap time is prime time for work - thank goodness Ro has been napping SO well! Structure helps us all!
