Monday, March 16, 2020

Remembering What Is Important

Today, I feel like whatever I write, won't be enough...will seem trivial....

This is my creative outlet...the place where I share the beautiful things of life...our things that bring us joy.  I am grateful for this outlet but I thought it would be important to talk today, about how we are approaching our shut downs and the scare of this illness and what it can do to our world as we know it.

Believe me, I don't want to be doom and gloom and don't want you to click off this page thinking it will bum you out....I want to get back to basics....and think about everything we need to be grateful for during these times...perhaps thinking about those things will help to minimize our fears and bring a little bit of joy as we navigate this uncharted and unprecedented territory together. 

I think each day it changes and each day over the last few days, we are becoming more cautious.   

Our schools have closed down for two weeks and both of our companies have asked us to work from home for two weeks.  Rob's company banned all travel too.

First, I want to share what we are grateful for

1. TECHNOLOGY- we are so lucky that we have the technology that makes it possible to do our jobs from home.  I have never taken that for granted and I am more grateful than ever.  The kids will start online learning on Wednesday as well.  Blessed to have a progressive school district that is equipped to handle this so we are not in school until July

2. WATER- Some countries still don't have running water so I am reminded how lucky we are that we have running water, bottled water and water filters

3. FOOD- With all of the hype and craziness of grocery stores being wiped out, I am grateful for what we have and what we can make do with and want to help those who may not have enough.  So grateful to see small businesses all around us doing the same

4. FRESH AIR- I am grateful that we are experiencing an early Spring here in New England and the girls can get outside to play and burn  some energy

5. QUALITY TIME- I am grateful that we will be home bound for the pure purpose of quality time and creating memories and going through this all together

I pray that this passes quickly and you all stay healthy.  I am trying not to think about the devastation and how much more this could impact us.  We are in survival mode...doing what we know is right...praying and fighting through.  I am here if you ever need an ear or a shoulder to cry on...and lastly, I thought I would share this.

I start each day with devotionals and bible readings and I could not believe when I opened up to this one today by Sarah Young in her devotional "Jesus Lives"....

Resting In Him

Though you sit in darkness, I will be your light.  Sometimes you need to rest in the shadows.  If you continue pushing yourself- ignoring how weary you are- you may collapse all together.  Many of My followers drive themselves to the point of exhaustion or utter discouragement, while pretending everything is all right.  Your enemy the devil rejoices- even gloats- when he sees this happening.  He understands the power of pretense to weaken My children till they are easy prey for him.

Do not panic when you have fallen, for you will rise again.  Be content to sit in darkness while I refresh your spirit, mind, and body.  I am as fully present with you when you are sitting as when you are standing or walking.  Look for Me in the shadowy place where you find yourself now.  I want to shelter and nurture you under My wings, where you will find refuge.  While you are relaxing, I will be your light- protecting, healing, and restoring you. 

When My work of restoration is finished, you can crawl out from under My wings; ready to rise again and continue your journey.  My Presence will go with you, illuminating the way before you- strengthening and encouraging you.  Hope in Me, My child, for you will again praise Me for the help of my Presence.


  1. Good call, Holly.
    It's really crucial that we focus on all the things we DO have during this season of upheaval.

  2. I think it's so important not to panic, and being grateful is a great way to overcome that anxiety. I am very thankful for our home! Take care and stay healthy!

  3. GReat post! We are thankful for the same things!! Stay healthy!

  4. Thank you for this beautiful friend. Sending you a socially distant hug.


  5. Thank you for this beautiful friend. Sending you a socially distant hug.


  6. what a great devotional--I need to look for her book!
