Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week One Edition)

I went back and forth on publishing this you can tell I decided to post it because I feel like we could all use a little joy right now...when I look back over the last week....I can't believe how much has changed...truly reminds me that we are not in are some bright spots from last weekend...before things got really scary AND during this week as we are trying to adjust...

I won't lie...I am EXHAUSTED...we all are...trying to navigate full time jobs....while helping our kids with an abundance of school is ALOT... I think adrenaline is keeping us going...and our faith of course...really praying that this passes quickly....

As always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE and sharing some sunshine.....

My Little Ninja

We didn't know that this would be the last day of school for a long time

 Happy Birthday Jess

I was able to meet some besties for a quick lunch last weekend as we celebrated our dear Jess- I may have swiped a roll of toilet paper from the bathroom just as a joke (but the waitress quickly took it back)...I guess that is when we realized it may be tough to find toilet paper for awhile?

 One last Dance Pal Sleepover

For awhile anyway....

 Date Night

It had been forever....we are never alone...and we needed to reconnect...decompress...and enjoy each here we are before the restaurants were all shut down....highly recommend Buckley's in Merrimack...when this is all over and if you are local, you must try...Michael Buckley is my favorite chef and also owns my favorite restaurant Surf and MT's Wine Bar

 Being Sworn In

Rob was sworn in as a School Board Member this week...he was elected for another 3 year term


and we spotted this family in the paper ;)

 Eva's Videos

Eva's teacher sends us one video a month of pictures of the kids learning...the pics are always set to beautiful music and never fail to make me cry...this month got me even harder (under the circumstances)...she misses her teacher and friends so is breaking my heart...but we can enjoy these memories and have hope for future ones (I snapped some pics of my screen as I was watching it)

Quarantine Workouts

My last morning at the gym was Monday...later that day they shut it down for two weeks.  As part of our daily schedule, the girls have built in exercise time so I found some workouts we can do on YouTube and we have started them...never knew it could be this fun...first thing in the morning...with the whole fam...pretty interesting ;)

and also getting outside as much as possible...Wednesday the crack of dawn..we headed to the Rail Trail in our town for a Family Walk/Run

Cooking Dinner

At the end of the day, I am always tired and prefer to cook dinner myself...can just get everything done quicker...but you know what this week has taught have more patience and when I let the girls help me make homemade meatballs...they were so it really convinced me to let them help more often :)

Virtual Dance
The girls were so excited that Mrs. Mullen and LDA started offering virtual classes this week too...they both enjoyed their ballet classes by live streaming and then Diana also got to enjoy her tap and jazz classes too...after all the school work was done...they got to burn off some energy...warmed my heart :)

and I will leave you with this....just this.....


  1. This is lovely! Stay safe. Good thing you guys got out before everything got really bad. We tried to do the same

  2. Oh sweet friend...I am so glad you posted this. We all need to keep blogging to connect with each other and those kind people who show up every week to read our words that we may not even meet.

    See you next week for Monthly Musings and stay well. I too am exhausted.


  3. I am utterly exhausted too! We are all in this together. Hugs to you and hope you have a good weekend.

  4. I'm dying that the waitress took back the TP...I can just visualize her face. LOL I think it's so awesome y'all are doing family workouts. We did a 6 mile walk yesterday. You definitely have to get outside to keep your sanity and keep the blues away. I also love that the girls can do virtual dance. That's great and I'm sure it helps them to not feel so out of sorts. Have a great weekend Holly! XOXO

  5. And I forgot to say congrats to Rob and that I'm stealing your last "meme". XO

  6. We are so ready for normal life again! A date night sounds pretty amazing right now!

  7. Eva working doing the morning family workout in her jammies might just be my favorite! This is definitely a big adjustment for many but thankful for the extra family time XO

  8. I love that last meme! At home workouts are good to keep the endorphins flowing and burn off the energy! A date night sounds wonderful because you are going to be together ALL.THE.TIME. For a while! And congratulations again to Rob! Have a great weekend and keep looking for the positives!

  9. We're facing more shut downs today and the reality that two weeks was more like a dream. Thankfully we're adjusting well and finding ways to get out of the house; even if it just for a hike in nature! I haven't told my husband yet but I was thinking of a hiking date day this weekend just the two of us.
