Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday Favorites

It's Friday AND....we are approaching Memorial Day Weekend...can I get an Amen?  That means that Summer is officially here right?  Yeah!!

First of all...did anyone watch the remake of All In The Family and The Jeffersons on Wednesday Night?  We LOVED it!  Jamie Foxx cracked me up but Marisa Tomei was GOLD as Edith Bunker...she is so so talented....I laughed the entire time!

Anyway....I so look forward to this weekend every year....before it starts, I have to finish one more work day and then can decompress and here are a few faves from our week.....

Speaking of Memorial Day Weekend

On Tuesday, I participated in the Tuesday Talk link up and shared some of my FAVE things about Memorial Day Weekend.  You can check it out HERE

FAVE MEMEs of the Week!

and this one my stepdaughter Kayla made a few years ago- that is actually Eva finishing a race that she was not happy about- we still laugh so hard when we see this!

and this one just takes the cake- I cracked up!

Eating the Rainbow!

My fave meal of the week wasn't even pictured this week!  I had an amazing breakfast wrap at The Windham Junction thanks to my bestie Jill- I am going to try and copy it at home- it was scrambled eggs, shredded mozzarella and sauteed veggies in a flour tortilla- delish!

Anyway, I are some fave meals from the week...

Fave Fashion

Some recent fave outfits...on a roll with Venus!

Dance Pics

Rob helped Mrs. Mullen take some class pics for the upcoming dance program for Peter Pan..this is Diana's ballet is such a large class filled with lots of talented kids...LOVE the way this pic came out!

Lego Land!

Mimi and Papa took Eva to Lego Land on Wednesday so Mama and Daddy could have a peaceful Work From Home Day ;)  She had an absolute blast and I loved these pics that my Mom shared :)

Book Club!

It was finally time for book club again and I was so excited to catch up with my old PTA pals...this was the best group of ladies around and slowly but grow...we grow...and move on...BUT we created this book club so this group could always come back together and I am so happy we did this.

Last night, we enjoyed catching up at Laura's and discussing our latest read, "Defending Jacob" by William Landay-what a thriller and so excited the movie is being made- we are going to make a field trip to see it :)

Karen made her famous Josephina appetizers- they always get wiped out!

You can find the recipe HERE and I will make a separate post about this eventually too, just like I did for Book Club Dip which you can see HERE

The Crew

and before signing off, I need to celebrate my bestie Cass's bday....with one of my trademark collages...ha ha!!!  This is what I do on FB....she is so lucky that her bday falls on Memorial Day Weekend....Yeah!!!

Hope you all enjoy this beautiful weekend and the START of SUMMER and live it up with all sorts of Red, White and Blue!  Linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE


  1. Oh my goodness I couldn't get past the When you thought I was looking poem...cue the tears!!
    I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  2. You are a camo cutie! Yes a big AMEN to Friday! I always love your funnies, they get my day going with a smile! Have a nice long weekend sweet girl!

  3. Loving the memes as always! Especially the one about doing what brings you Joy.

    You know I always think you look Good...but girl you are looking so fit! I am so proud of you.

    Cheers to the weekend babe!

  4. LOLing at the Eva meme!!! Love that camo on you. Happy Memorial Day weekend, I hope your fam has the best time! :)

  5. That meme of Eva is fantastic!! LEGO land looks like a fun day! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
