Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Weekend Recap!

Springtime Bliss at its Finest!

Zach graduated from UNH- it was a wonderful day- celebrating our wonderful young man!

After graduation, we crashed at home and then I made my Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti (Recipe HERE) and brought it over to Lea in preparation for Brook's 1st Communion on Sunday...and yes I ended up staying and talking for hours..thank God for my bestie XO

On Sunday, we celebrated Brook's 1st Communion and we also got to see our friends' daughter Brooke's Communion too!

Sunday night we headed to the girls' last race of the HKRS Windham Series.  Mimi and Papa met us there.

Eva?  Not having it.  It was actually pretty hysterical-she threw herself on the ground a few times-chased after Rob- cried- and then barely crossed the finished line and laid a slug...we were dying!

and we still let her reap the rewards ;)

and then it was Diana's turn!  She hit it out of the park again- 1st place for 3rd race in a row.  Since we missed the first race of the season, she placed 3rd overall in her age group-we were still very proud and she was psyched to win a trophy!

We wrapped up our weekend with fro yo and tubby time.  

Another wonderful weekend and very special for so many reasons- blessed!


  1. I would pay good money to have my hair look like Eva's in that pic with the apple!!! Your girls are so adorable. I love going to communions and seeing the kids so dressed up and acting so formal and reverent. Looks like a fun weekend.

  2. Totally pinned your ziti recipe and going to make it pronto! Looks so darn good! I'm dying over Eva throwing herself on the ground- there are just some days when you gotta do that! Congrats to Diana!

  3. That is hysterical about Eva!! At least she looked cute as a slug :) ha! I definitely need to give your ziti recipe a try - looks so good!
