Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Travelogues Edition

It's time for another fun-filled "Show and Tell Tuesday".  Linking up with Miss Andrea HERE

Today we are talking about our "Travelogues" or best and worst trips we have ever taken....

I was so excited to partake in this linkup because I couldn't wait to share a few trips with you- especially the first one that comes to mind....

Martha's Vineyard

This has to go down as one of my favorite family trips ever and you know what?  So many things went wrong!  I often thought about writing about this trip and never got to it..that is, until today. Ha ha!

It was Rob and me and my stepchildren- this was way back in 2005 before we had Diana and Eva and before this blessed BLOG!  My parents and brother tagged along too.  

We started with the ferry ride over from RI.  We chose RI, even though it was a bit further, because it would be faster than traveling to Hyannis- especially on a Friday night in the Summer.  Well we zipped on down to RI quickly.  Then, what we didn't realize, is that we chose the "Fast Ferry" and the seas were rough that night.  As a result, we all got sea sick (except for my Dad.) I remember saying to Rob, "this is torture." I didn't know how I would make it through 45 minutes of the roughness.  My brother got sick and the rest of us just lay there...like slugs...awful.

When we finally got to the island, we had to wait for  the hotel shuttle to pick us up.  That was another story.  We were crammed into this van-like shuttle and there wasn't enough room for our suitcases in the back so we all had them on our laps.  Our driver was a character and half.  He promptly backed into a tree and tried to radio for help and NO ONE WOULD ANSWER HIM.  So...then I got silly...what else are you going to do...I started laughing so hard I was crying...and then my mom started and Kayla and Ally...and we decided right then and there to make the most of this trip.

We headed to bed and then spent the next day beaching, pooling and such.  It is so beautiful in MV and we took full advantage.

The first night we had a great dinner...that is, until Rob got food poisoning. I kid you not.  It was scallops...and it was not fun...I thought we would have to take him to the hospital.

The next day, we had rented bikes....Rob stayed behind of course...and my brother decided to stay back with him.  SO...Mimi...Papa Pete...Kayla...Ally and Zach and I went biking....I heard it was supposed to get cool so I made Zach wear a sweatshirt because I didn't want him to get cold- what a mistake!  From the exercise, we were all sweating.  My dad actually fell off his bike a few times and my parents were getting aggravated with me because I was riding ahead.  It's hard when you are on a bike trying to communicate with a group behind you.  I was having the time of my life though- they, not so much.

After an hour, we decided to turn around and head back to the hotel.  By the time we got back, Zach almost had heat stroke...so of course I got reprimanded.  My parents were annoyed...and my dad especially so, when Ally announced to my brother, "Your dad fell three times off this bike."  We couldn't help it and we all laughed...really hard again.

After Zach cooled off, we headed out to a pub on the water and had a much better dinner...very casual and relaxing.

The rest of the time was spent beaching and shopping and enjoying the island for what it was.

 Over the years, we would refer to this trip as one of our favorites...even though everything went wrong, everyone loved sharing stories about our escapades.  We would hear the kids telling their friends and writing about it in school and it always put a smile on our faces.  I consider it one of the best AND worst trips at the same time...for obvious reasons ;)

The Bahamas

Oh...I always think back to this trip and think "pure bliss." It was so tropical...so beautiful and so relaxing!  It was Rob, Me, Diana and Zach and my parents came along too.  We all agreed that Atlantis was wonderful with its architectural beauty and unbelievable pools, however, the restaurants were very expensive so we ventured off of the property for a few dinners to keep the funds in tact...we learned quickly and got the same feedback from others about this destination.

Diana LOVED the pools...Zach took full advantage of the crazy water slides....and I even enjoyed the Lazy River....it was incredible....we spent so much time on the beach too...the weather was perfect!  Ahh....I only have happy thoughts when I think back to that trip......


We have been there twice as a family...the first time my parents took us and the second time we went with friends.  Both were wonderful but I am going to say the trip with my parents was amazing.  It was Diana's first time seeing all of the magic and there is nothing like that.  My parents spared no expense and treated us to the best of everything- something I will never forget and will be forever grateful. From the concierge service at The Grand Floridian to Ariel's Voice in the Little Mermaid ride and all of the magical shows and rides...it was a beautiful trip.

I have had some fun times with girlfriends too but I think a favorite girls/friends trip is still to come...hopefully over the next few years...so as I continue writing year after year...I hope to be able to share more fun trips with you all! 


  1. What great memories! I agree that sometime the vacations that don't go as expected can make for the best memories.

  2. Your Martha trip is hilarious! Which restaurant is your favorite to eat at in Disney?

  3. I didn't realize you had 3 stepchildren! I love learning something new about you :) Your trips looked like so much fun - love all your Disney pictures!
