Monday, May 22, 2017

Zach's Graduation from UNH

It was a wonderful day for a wonderful young man.  Zach has always been a special kid- an old soul- always trying to make people feel comfortable.

I had known him for two years in the picture below.  This was our family trip to Martha's Vineyard
 The first words he ever spoke to me were in a restaurant.  I was enjoying a spinach dip with carrots for dinner.  He climbed right up on my lap and said, "I like carrots!" I fell in love.  

As a step parent, as many of you know, you will always feel like an outsider and sometimes not wanted.  Special occasions that should be happy, are often times, filled with anxiety, worry and disappointment.  With Zach, however, he always goes out of his way to include everyone and he has always made me feel like I am part of his family.

Saturday was just another example of his kind soul- we are so proud of him and the best part of the day was seeing just how happy he was.

We snapped a few pics of course and we will be celebrating this summer.

So proud to call this young man our Son


  1. Congrats to Zach! The fact that he has embraced you is a true testament to your character, Holly!
