Thursday, May 25, 2017

Carpool Book Club

As I sip my coconut coffee, I always start with my daily devotionals and alone time with God.

After that, I start catching up on blogging.  I read my favorite blogs and write my posts.

I was going to do a Gratitude post as I will often do on Thursdays but then saw Narci doing her "Carpool Book Club" Linkup and so wanted to partake in this.  I guess because I have recently read three great books and wanted to share.  Linking up with Narci HERE

I would be remiss, however, if I didn't list my gratitude is the best way to live....

So this week, I am thankful for.....
Strong Business
Friends Like Family
A Hubby that loves dance parties with his girls
Having Zach home

and now onto the books.....

Here are the three I have read between April and May...I HIGHLY recommend all of them!


I LOVED it as I LOVE all of Elin Hilderbrand's novels.  Set in beautiful Nantucket, a widow, her children, and their special guest venture to their beach house for the summer and romances bloom...history comes back to haunt them and such....loved it...plain and simple!

The Rumor- another winner from Elin Hilderbrand.  This one was full of passion and romance and greed for sure.  It was more exciting and fast-moving than some of her others- loved this one too!

Kerry Lonsdale was a new author to me.  I picked this one up thanks for the suggestion from some fellow bloggers and it did not disappoint.  It was a suspenseful and quick read and it looks like the sequel is coming out soon.  I highly recommend it! 

So those are my three most recent reads.
I am now currently reading Silver Girl, another novel by Elin Hilderbrand.  

I would love to finish it by next week so I can include it in my What's Up Wednesday post but not sure that will happen with all of our planned holiday weekend fun!  Can't wait to see what you are reading!


  1. Thanks for the recs! I like to keep my summer reading a little lighter and these seem like the perfect beach reads.

  2. Wow! You are on a Hildebrand role! My favorite book of hers (besides the Winter Street series) is Matchmaker!

  3. I'm reading Silver Girl right now too!! I'm hoping I can finish it soon enough as well :) I loved the Rumor!
