Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Favorites (May 26, 2017)

YES!  One of my FAVORITE Fridays all year is HERE!
Woohoo!!!  It is Friday, It is Spring is the Official Start of Summer!  Bring on the horns and confetti!!

As always, linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika HERE

As I write this post, I am over the moon excited for all of the Patriotic Fun this weekend!

Here are some faves from this week!


No matter how far back in my closest they matter where I got them from: After Party Sale, Ebay or Lilly herself, the prints always cheer me up when I put them on.  I feel younger...happier...and I know it only means that it is summer!

My Girls

Enough Said!

Girlfriend Time

From talking for hours in a playing enjoying wine grateful for my girlfriend time!


One of the things I love most about summer is grilling.  We use our grill almost every night!
Rob grilled chicken burgers this week and although the girls loved theirs plain, I kicked them up a notch for Rob and me.  I added caramelized onions, roasted red peppers and a dollop of ricotta- delish.

We plan on doing a "Burger Bar" this weekend for one of our get-togethers and I am going to pull a "Shay" and offer some "Gourmet Options".

Some of her recipes sound INSANE!

How about Blackberry Brie Burgers? Check out the Recipe HERE

Or a Gorgonzola and Grilled Peach Burger
Check the Recipe out HERE


A Peanut Butter and Bacon Burger?  Yes Please!
Check out the Recipe HERE

Princess Diana

Then....Now...Always...Such a Beautiful Soul.  I have enjoyed two documentaries over the last week.  They chronicled her life...her death...and the truth behind it all.  I still can't get enough of her.....

I hope you all have an EXTRA AMAZING Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. Ha! That puppy is cracking me up. Glad you got some GF time in. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  2. I live in Phoenix, so our hoorah for summer is a little more hooo...ick. :P But by September we're hoorahing for fall!

    Love the girltime and then the picture of your pup. Cute!

  3. Love your Lilly dresses! Will you cook dinner for me every night? Your burger sounds great! Have a great weekend!
