Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Splendid Memorial Day Weekend

We kicked off summer with quality family and friend time!  It was an amazing weekend!

Friday Night

The Batsons came over and we grilled- Mike made his famous wings and we had a "Burger Bar"


We started the day by doing some yard work 
We cleaned up our mulch area and I got some flowers planted in our planters.

and then the Lees had us over with some other friends for a great cookout.
The kids actually swam in their pool despite how chilly it was!
We all had a ball-so relaxing and great to catch up with friends from town!

Later on the kids got to Zip Line in their yard- so much fun!


We headed to mass and then did some more yard work.  Rob continued working on the mulch area and I got our herbs planted on the back deck.

Later on, we met the Fourniers in Newburyport and enjoyed all the hustle and bustle.  We even got to see the Tall Ships!

and then we drove on over to Hampton Beach- the kids got their fill of the playground and arcade and the Mamas got some solid QT (and cocktails)
We grabbed a casual dinner at Sea Ketch- such a fun place and they even have live music on different floors.

The girls ended up talking Cass into a sleepover so Diana went home with the Fourniers- We enjoyed ending the night with fireworks- Eva enjoyed them to a  point- she was a little scared but she was really trying :)


It was a relaxing day.  We were bummed that our Memorial Day Parade was cancelled for the second year in a row.  Daddy still attended the ceremony.

We relaxed at home.  We still have to plant our garden but we took the day to binge watch some "Billions." The girls played and it was the perfect rainy day to unwind.  I was reminded all day to be thankful for all those whom gave their lives to protect us. Thankful.


  1. That red, white, and blue flower arrangement is gorgeous! Looks like a super fun weekend- we were bummed out with crummy weather yesterday, too.

  2. Our weather has been wacky too. You really have a fantastic circle of friends. I can tell by your faces how much fun you have together. It will serve as a great role model for the girls for how to treat friends and care about others. You guys have built such a wonderful, extraordinary life.

  3. Looks like a fun (and eventful) weekend! Those drinks look yummy and I love all the Lilly!
