Saturday, April 30, 2016

What's Up Wednesday (April 27, 2016)

This is my favorite post of the month!  We are in the midst of our fun times at Disney but it did not stop me from partaking in this fun linkup!  Linking up with Mel and the girls HERE

What We're Eating This Week
Cereal and Protein Bars for Breakfast (who has time to stop and sit?)
Turkey Sandwiches for Lunch (while we are doing the parks )
and for dinner?  We are indulging!
Here are the restaurants we are having dinner at....Um Yes Please!

Boat House- Disney Springs

 Margaritaville- Universal City Walk, Orlando

 California Grill at The Contemporary Resort- 
Walt Disney World

and Nine Dragons- Epcot, Orlando

 What I'm Reminiscing About
My fast it all goes
Love looking at these squishy pictures



 What I'm Loving

Coconut Oil

 Shea chose this as one of her medicine cabinet items, should she ever get stranded on an island.  She had so many great recommendations for its usage so I gave it a shot and...I LOVE it!  It is completely helping to moisturize my dry winter skin...can't wait to use it for many other things!
I got mine on Amazon.  You can find it HERE

 What We've Been Up To

Daddy Daughter Dance!

Spring Concert at GBS!

Healthy Kids Running Series

Visiting Baby Maggie!  Yeah!  

 and Mama started golfing in the Nine and Wine League...Fun Fun!
(no pictures of Mama yet- just her friends- until she finds a cute golf outfit) ;)

 What I'm Dreading

Yep..still..potty training...can use all of the tips we can get!

 What I'm Working On
Filling Jobs!  So grateful for this job market and all of my HR relationships

 and my health, as always
Step Class, Walking (to the golf course again- yeah for Spring!) and Golfing
Oh yeah!  I just signed up for the Couch to 5K program too- I am really excited to get started!

What I'm Excited About
 Spring and Summah!!!  (as we say in New England)
So excited for all of the fun outside activities:
Diana's softball games, the Couch to 5K running program, the beach, swimming in pools, barbecues, eating outside on our deck and....jumping through the sprinkler of course


What I'm Watching/Reading

Well...many of my shows have wrapped up for the season like: Younger, Teachers, The Affair, and Life...In Pieces
Our recent favorite mini-series, The People vs. OJ Simpson also wrapped up

I am still enjoying, however, 
The Family, Jane The Virgin, Dancing With the Stars, Dance Moms, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Mysteries, Shark Tank and of course, watching School Board Meetings LIVE every Tuesday night
and.....The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt has come back for Season 2 on Netflix, I started watching again last week!

and I am still making my way through Jennifer Weiner's Who Do You Love (Don't get much down to read nowadays)
(Hey!  Did you hear she just got married?) So fun!  Happy for her, my favorite author :)

 What I'm Listening To....
Lots of Kidz Bop in the car nowadays!

What I'm Wearing
J Crew's Factory Gauze Plaid Popover 
Find it HERE 

and it has been ALL ABOUT the tassel necklaces this year
Of course, the lovely Kendra Scott Rayne Pendants

and how about this beauty from the Accessory Concierge?
Find it HERE

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Heading Home!  We love our home-so excited to unwind AND have dinner with great friends from town on Saturday Night- YIPPEE!!!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Memorial Day Weekend- I always love how it signifies the beginning of Summer- we always sneak in a fun trip to the beach or Portsmouth or somewhere with fun summer drinks.
We also do our planting so I am excited to clean up the yard, plant our flowers AND plant our garden
This is a shot from our awesome Memorial Day at Beth Ann's last year
Some of my besties and me

What Else is New?
Yeah...we are disney'ing and universal'ing and epcot'ing so be ready for tons of fun posts over the next month!

Can't wait to see What is UP with You....


1 comment:

  1. I loved Who do you love... I zoomed through that one.
    All the Disney eats. I'm so jealous!
    I think all these father/daughter dances are just the cutest things ever!
