Monday, April 18, 2016


What a Fabulous Weekend!

As we prepare to leave for Disney, blog posts will be just capturing my weekend happiness here....

Enjoyed a great trip to the Merrimack Outlets with two of my besties.
Beautiful day for some shopping.  Scored Robby B some shorts and snagged this J Crew Factory Gauze Plaid Popover Shirt.  You can find it HERE
It comes in 4 colors- I couldn't resist the Victorian Pink though :)

and on the way home, we stopped at one of our favorite wine shops, Cava de Vino in Nashua.
The owner Steve is always so pleasant and helpful.  I think we ended up staying there for an hour.  We even got to try a few wines and found a California Cab that we LOVED True Myth.
He was having a weekend sale so we decided to split a case.  I also picked up some basil flavored olive oil and Black Squid Ink Pasta...he just has the best items in his little shop....if you are local, check him out and tell him I sent you!

The Annual Styles and S.M.I.L.E.S Breast Cancer Charity Fashion Show was on Saturday Night.
We went to support our Wolverines Cheerleaders who performed as well as some of my fellow board members who modeled.  We stayed for the first half and then I headed out with some girlfriends for some socializing

What a fun, impromptu, spur-of-the-moment night.  I had plans to meet up with one friend and then connected with two more and then we ended up meeting 10 more friends from town
By the end of the night, we had taken over the porch room at The Coach Stop- what a blast- sometimes the most un-planned things are the most fun
(Note: Guys did not want to be on camera)

Yesterday was a GORGEOUS day and we feel it was really the first beautiful spring day here in New England!  After mass, we celebrated Alana's birthday.  She turned 6- yeah!
Diana and Eva had a ball.  It was actually Eva's very first birthday party- be still my heart
Happy Birthday Alana!

and we wrapped up the weekend with the 
Healthy Kids Running Series
Diana amazed me.  I could not believe how fast she ran and how much stamina she had for not training at all.
There were about 50 or so 2nd and 3rd grade girls in her category and she came in 6th- again, could not believe it
All the kids impressed me and it was the perfect day for the first of the fun runs.

and crossing the finish line (don't mind my loud voice as I cheered her on)
Last night, we cooked on the grill and....ate outside!!!  First outside dinner of the season and it was amazing!  We crashed pretty early as you can imagine

Happy Spring Everyone!

Oh...and today is Boston Marathon Monday!  It is the 120th Boston Marathon
It is a special year as we know so many friends running!
Best of luck to Windham friends Katie Bamberg, Kate Irwin, Lynne Andrews and Dan Guttman
AND a very special shout out to my college friend Renee Gallant Gass who is running in memory of our friend Garry Hennessey- so inspirational!  Will be cheering them on from home!

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