Monday, April 17, 2023

Hello Monday (April 17, 2023)


Scenes From A Wonderful Spring Weekend.....

Soul Sister Lunch- Priceless QT

Cocktails with the Dance Moms- Belly Laughs




 Professional Shots from Performance Awards Came In

Robby B is crushing yard work :)

1st Round of Golf for me in TWO YEARS....felt so good to be back...missed it so much...we had a blast with Beth Ann and Matt and followed up with a Great Dinner :)

Diana was spoiled and got to spend the weekend with one of her dance besties.  She had a rough week last week and she and her mom made sure she had a wonderful weekend- she hasn't been this happy in quite some time! :)


 Sunday meant mass and then the first performance of NEDE's "A Child's View of the Holocaust" Just incredible- so moving

Later it was time for me to get hair and makeup instructions for the upcoming Lorax production for Eva.  Then last night we grabbed takeout and watched some more Blue Bloods.  Diana rehearsed with her bestie for an upcoming cabaret show at school and we crashed!  It was an amazing weekend and we are LOVING the weather.



 Today is also the 10th Anniversary of the Marathon Bombing- may we never forget.

Hope your week is amazing my friends!  If you stopped by today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.  Sarah and I are grateful for you!





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  1. What a great weekend! The dance performance looks so moving- it is admirable that the studio doesn't shy away from that which is somber and heartbreaking. If the pictures are any indication, it looks like the kids crushed it. Glad you had so many good times and laughs over the weekend. Have a great Monday!

  2. I haven't golfed in years! It looks like a great day! Your daughter's photos are beautiful!

    Jill- Doused in Pink

  3. So good to see you guys enjoying the warm weather and wearing some lovely bright spring outfits!

  4. So happy you’re back on the greens!!! What glorious weather and weekend memories made!

  5. Gosh! I can't believe it's been 10 years since the bombing.. Love seeing you back out on the green and your lawn is looking amazing!

  6. Looks like a great weekend! So glad you were able to get back on the green! :)

  7. You yard looks great, and love your golf outfit!

  8. I love that you have pink golf balls with your name on them. We had a couple of friends run the marathon this year. Crazy to think it's been 10 years.
