Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Favorites (April 14, 2023)


Happy Friday Friends!  We made it!

Linking up HERE for Friday Favorites

Book Club

We are on a roll- we have our schedule down and we are on point.  This was Book Club #24 and our friend Nancy hosted us- she picked a great book!  I am almost done now and I am really enjoying it- lighter read than her other books and really fun!


The Weather!

It is finally here- YEAH!  Rob and I walked at lunch four days this week!  So much easier when you don't have to bundle up and you can just get out quickly and make it happen FTW!

My Bestie Just Knows Me

Had a challenging week for a few reasons and my bestie knows exactly what I need when I need it...magic

Nantucket Shopping

Oh friends I am having a blast finding some steals on Poshmark.  So far I have my outfits secured for the trip down, dinner on the first night and the wine festival the next day.  Will probably come up with one additional outfit for Saturday night and something to wear home on Sunday but I think I have the pieces already- just need to pull them all together.  This is half the fun!  (I know such a girl) ;)

Good News

I was watching the news and this popped up- Amen indeed and Praise God!

That's a wrap!  Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Wow, what beautiful flowers and what a kind friend you have. Friendship is beautiful just like those flowers ;). Your Poshmark deals are exciting! I have bought one item from Poshmark and I recently listed a few things but no one has bought my items :(. The meme about stress triggers is so true and I hadn't thought of it like that before. Have a great weekend!

  2. Isn’t Poshmark the best! I sell stuff on there all the time too. You’ll look so cute in those dresses. Love the memes and flowers! Hope your week has gotten better!

  3. Love your sunglasses on your walk! Happy Friday!

  4. The book club looks like a lot of fun.
    Ohh! Send some of that warmer weather this way please, it's been grey, cold and wet here for the last few days.

  5. I've been wanting to read that book! I have a different one from Jojo that I'm reading right now. Those flowers and your dresses/vacation items are lovely.

  6. So many fun favourites! How fantastic that the weather is warming up for you guys and that you got to go for your walks this week. I always feel so good when I can walk to and from work.

  7. The flower are so pretty. I hope you are having a better week! Can't wait to read about your vacay.
