Monday, March 20, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello St. Patty's Weekend!



 Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are glad you stopped by.  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us is what we were up to...






I took the second half of my social media recruiting class with AIRS via Webex.  Then after the class wrapped up at 1, I decided to power through the exam.  Friends?  It was SO TOUGH...I really didn't think I would pass but I did!  I now have my CSMR (Certified Social and Media Recruiter) designation through AIRS.  I learned SO MUCH and really had fun with the material.  My next step is to put together some helpful tips for our firm so we can all be practicing these new and progressive techniques.


That night, it was time to get dolled up and meet my besties (The Fab Four) for our 6th Annual St. Patty's was an amazing night!!

Updated our Collage- 6 years of an amazing tradition

Meanwhile, at home, Ally came over to help Diana get ready for her Freshman Sophomore St. Patty's Dance- I snagged her a cute little dress on Amazon :)

Daddy and Pidge were at Family Faith and Stations of the Cross


Having a nightcap back in town...Daddy and the girls picked me up after Diana's dance


First Things' First- although I was moving slowly we got our date walk in FTW!


Though it still looks like winter it really felt like spring as it was almost 40 degrees first thing!


Next up...Starbucks with My Girl in Pink then the Dance Drop Off

Then we got to see Eva's last basketball game of the season (playoffs)- the winner would head to the championship game later on but this was the end for her and her team- she was very upset- my poor Pidge!)

Auntie Cass came to show her support and then we headed out to a recommended store called "Liquor Junction" in nearby North Andover.  It was more than we could've hoped for.  Endless selections and we both stocked up on some amazing wines at such great prices!!

We were supposed to head to lunch right after but she had a family emergency and I rushed her home

The rest of the day was spent with more Blue Bloods...dropping Diana off at a sleepover and doing some Mediterranean takeout....such a relaxing night!


Coffee- Shaws- Cooking- Organizing- Glee'ing- Blue Bloods'ing...Picking Up Diana...Rehearsals for Lorax and Child's View...Sunday

Find The Recipe HERE

...and Daddy helped to build some Mamma Mia sets- can't believe it's tech week already!

That's a Wrap!  What were you all up to?

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  1. Love your St. Paddy's celebrations/attire/vibe. And congrats on passing your test for a new certification. What a (another) great reason to celebrate Friday evening ;). Another show must be coming up soon if it's tech week.... that is exciting! Have a great Monday!!

  2. Diana looks gorgeous! I love her hair! I still do a twist or braid on the side of my hair sometimes. You had a great weekend!
    Happy First Day of Spring!

  3. How fun that you and your friends have that night out tradition and pictures to look back on. Good friends are so important!
    Have a great week!

  4. We came back home on Saturday afternoon, so I spent the rest of the weekend catching up on things and then just relaxing and binge watching a show on YouTube tv all of yesterday. It was heavenly! Looks like you had a great weekend!

  5. Looks like a fun weekend for your whole family! A St. Patrick's Day dance--how fun!

  6. Congratulations on your new certification! Way to go!!! I love your recap of Sunday :) Our weekend recap was summed up in "driving, driving, and why yes, more driving." Fun.

  7. Congratulations on passing your test and getting your new certification! It sounds like you had a fun weekend; that chicken chili looks amazing.

  8. It’s always so tough to lose on the playoffs! Looks like a great St Patrick’s Day. I love your collage and the braid in Diana’s hair. Congratulations on you certification!! That’s such an accomplishment!! ~Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

  9. Your annual dinner tradition with friends is so fun! And I love your daughters green dress, she was so cute posing!

  10. What a fun weekend and congratulations on becoming a certified social and media recruiter. Diana looks lovely in her green dress. I'm loving Blue Bloods too but we are still on season one and binge-watching at a snail's pace because my husband is always at work. Sometimes I'm tempted to watch more episodes without him and then just have a snooze when he's catching up!
