Thursday, January 27, 2022

Monthly Musings: January 2022- All About Love Edition


Hi Friends and Welcome to the First Monthly Musings Link Up of 2022!  Patty and I are so happy you stopped by!  We hope you will join in on our fun.  Grab our graphic above..answer our questions on love and Valentine's Day below and then link back up to us..we can't wait to read all of your posts!

Here are the questions to answer this month...

Here it goes....

1. Favorite Valentine's Memory

Making dinner with my hubby a few years ago and enjoying the said, semi-romantic dinner while our kids watched on....oh the irony...wouldn't have it any other way

2. Chocolate, Flowers or Both?

Oh both...why not...the best of both worlds :)

3. Favorite Romantic Date?

My fave romantic date was when Rob took me to an outdoor concert...we packed a picnic dinner and enjoyed Toad The Wet Sprocket in Boarding House Park in Lowell...will never forget it!

4. Any Valentine's Traditions with the Kids?

Well Eva still exchanges Valentines at school with her pals...Diana really doesn't have these traditions anymore but I make sure they feel loved on the big day and make sure they have treats and cards waiting for them at breakfast :)

5. How do you show love?

I cook...I make meals or treats to show my love for people...pretty simple I guess


6. Do You Decorate for Valentine's Day? 

Oh yes and I already decorated...we liked to enjoy decorations for as long as possible in this house!



7. Do You Wear Red or Pink on Valentine's Day?

Yes...either or both!



8.  Valentine's Day- Big Deal or Small Remembrance? 

I am not sure...small?  Special?  Just want my girls to experience joy on the day 


9.  Favorite Ideas for School Valentine Parties?

I love when the kids decorate "mailboxes" to collect all of their Valentines and festive and fun


 10. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

So college, we had a newspaper...on Valentine's Day, you could send messages to people and they would all get published...and a couple that were published for me were so exciting...didn't know who they were from so kept me guessing and on my fun...great memory!

What is YOUR Love Language?


and check our our schedule of topics below for 2022!






You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I love your pompom banner for the fireplace!

  2. I need to get my Valentine's decorations up!

  3. Toad the Wet Sprocket- I used to love them! I think we had those notes in our newspaper too, I totally forgot! Haha, thanks for hosting!

  4. You have the cutest Valentine decor!

  5. Your decorations look great. I'm sure you make everyone in your house feel loved! That's so fun about your secret admirers!! I guess they have apps for things like that nowadays :).

  6. I love celebrating Valentine's Day with the family too. It is the little things that everyone remembers!
