Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday Favorites (January 28, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We are bracing for one of the largest snowstorms to hit ever, here in the Northeast!  Yikes!  I am actually looking forward to a little downtime though...not gonna lie...our trip to New York for Diana's film has been put off for a few weeks...we are just's ALL GOOD!


So, as always, sharing a few recent faves...hope you all stay warm and safe this weekend and squeeze in some fun :)


Linking up HERE



  Fave MEMEs of the Week



 Fave Meals of the Week


Sushi on Ladies Night- Mint is one of my favorite restaurants


The Game Day Scramble from Troys- such spicy goodness!


 Ladies Night

Speaking of Ladies Night I enjoyed a night out with some besties last was supposed to be the Winter Wine Festival of NH but they cancelled it...this is getting old....yup the C word...anyway, that is typically one of our favorite nights all year and we still got together to get out and catch up...until next year....sigh...





 Meet Me In Newport Sweater

Yup and will be getting back there....



Fave Recent Products

Best snack ever- yummy- satisfying and high protein and fiber while being low in fat FTW...thanks to Brandi for recommending

Teeth Whitening Products- Another win from the vanilla coconuty flavor and excited to see the difference soon!


Bathing Suit and Cover Up for Aruba....will be in my carry on and will be put on immediately upon arrival and plunging into the ocean...ahhhh (fingers crossed)



The Rem Dog

Such snuggly goodness


Tulips from my Bestie

Brightened up my day!

My Happy Place



At yoga.......



That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!  See you back here on Monday for Hello Monday with Sarah and me!


  1. What a sweet week and round up! I would give anything to have a large group of lady friends like that! Since I’ve gotten older they’ve all scattered. Tulips are so sweet and make me think spring. The funnies and motivation are perfect! Have a great weekend!

  2. oh my goodness Aruba sounds amazing right about now. Good luck with your snow storm--ugh!!

  3. I'll bet you dream of Aruba this weekend with the snow storm/ blizzard predicted. We are having a small storm here and I keep looking at potential vacation spots online (they all involve a beach, the Sunshine state, and warmth!). The memes are on point as well (per usual). Glad you got to spend time with your friends. Have a great, cozy, warm (inside your house) weekend!

  4. Wait - how did I miss that you are heading back to Aruba!! Lucky you!! Have so much fun!!!

  5. I kind of wish I was in Aruba right now! LOL. Glad they didn't cancel New York and just postponed it. Hope you are fairing well in the storm.

  6. I just love Remi!! I am going to check out MidDay Squares now.
    I need a link to that suit! Love it!

  7. @Heather Link for suit is and link for cover up is
