Monday, July 12, 2021

Summer Weekend Recap and Hello Monday!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a great weekend....truth be told, it has been a very rainy summer here in New England...but I try and look on the bright side and I am grateful that things are getting back to normal and always grateful for the sunny days in between all of the rain!  We had a sunny Saturday in the middle of a rainy weekend and we took full advantage!  Here is what our weekend looked like....





Janie and I did one of our business lunches and we haven't done one in over a year and a half!  It felt SO GOOD....grateful that God brought her into my life!

The girls were finishing up their first week of camps....Eva loved her cooking camp as I wrote on Friday!

and Diana had a blast at film camp...she wrote the film that she took part in....check it out here!

I crashed early and hard on Friday night because we were woken up many times on Thursday night....need to mention that Eva had her first friend sleepover...her BFF Kyla came over...we went to dinner and then made the mistake of taking them to the store to grab whatever snacks they wanted for their movies and shows...can you say sugar high???  They did not fall asleep until 2am!!!  

Look at these would never know they are party animals ;)

So Rob had a gig and the girls and I just crashed :)


We were up bright and early as the McLains invited us back up to the lake....we had a full full day of boating, tubing and was PERFECT weather.....

and we enjoyed an amazing dinner and many laughs on their new deck


Rob, Pidge and I took off that night and Diana stayed the rest of the weekend with Caden and had a blast





Eva returned to hockey and decided to dial it up and score three goals...


 Mama headed to mass and then Daddy did some errands and I got to relax most of the day!  It was great to decompress and prepare for a brand new week....


The girls start Triple Threat Theater Camp today and we are all very excited...have a great week!


Linking up with the gals for Hello Monday HERE


  1. I’m glad you had beautiful weather on Saturday! A quiet Friday night sounds perfect after that fun sleepover!! Have a great week Holly!

  2. So great that you got to have a wonderful day on the lake! Our weather has been not so great either this summer. Lots of rain and cool temps. Oh my goodness- that short film is so good!! Your daughter did a great job of writing and acting. Kind of funny- I have a book on hold at the library with a somewhat similar premise. An English teacher who wants to be a writer finds out that one of his students has a great novel that he has finished or almost finished. The student dies and the English teacher finds the novel (at that point unpublished) and submits it as as his own. He receives accolades for the book but someone knows what he has done. I cannot think of the title but the book (the real book- the one I have on hold) is supposed to be really good. Anyway, the short film reminded me of the book´s premise. Tell your daughter congrats- such talent!!

  3. YAY for a lake day! We had a quieter, cleaning, weekend and it was what we needed. But yes, we have A LOT of rain lately, so I'm always happy for sunny days.

  4. It has been so rainy and cool this summer (as it's pouring out right now-- I don't think I have ever seen our lake so full in summer!) but we too are making the best of it and making sure to get out whenever the sun does decide to make an appearance. Sounds like such a fun weekend at the lake! I really do not miss the days of sleepovers; I mean I loved watching my boys and their friends but I do not miss being so supremely tired the next day and dealing with tired and cranky kids either. I was surprised at how many of our friends don't allow their kids to sleepover anywhere-- is that a thing at all with your circle of friends? (I think it might be one of those weird homeschool things)

  5. WE have had SO MUCH rain this summer. I sure hope the second half is a lot sunnier. At least you had a great day for the lake!

  6. Your lake trip looks amazing! We’ve had a really rainy summer as well. Have a great week!
