Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Favorites (July 9, 2021)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  I can't believe this week is already was a crazy one for sure...felt like I was in the hamster wheel with work...trips to and from camp and social obligations at night...crazy...but good...can't is soo soo good!


As always, linking up HERE

and sharing some faves from the past few weeks...



Fave Recent MEMEs




and these affirmations are EVERYTHING...



Camps and Summer Fun



So so happy for our girls...they are back at camps and doing "normal activities"....


Last week, Diana cashed in her scholarship and participated in AAB's Summer Program virtually with a couple of her dance besties...



 and this week she attended Film Camp....and had a blast...can't wait to watch the movies this weekend...yeah!



Eva did her first camp this week and it was cooking camp....she had a blast and learned so much and was SO PROUD of her creations...squished my heart!  She made bread, butter, pizza, strawberry shortcake, veggie flat breads and pudding cups :)

Next week both girls start Triple Threat Camp and CANNOT WAIT...three weeks of pure theater bliss!




 July Birthdays


We "visited Grammy" on her birthday- July 4th and her song "Here Comes The Sun" just starts playing when you least expect it...for was in yoga class this week...and I cried...



My wonderful stepson Zach turned 26...always love sending him this pic every year...this is how I always think of him...



and we celebrated our friend Michelle's Bday too....with salads...prosecco and cake...hey it's all about balance ;)







Date Walks continue...



 and early morning sessions at the gym....5 days/ I am with my BFF...always snap a pic when she gets up early for me because it is a true sacrifice for her...HA!




It has just been crazy....I am very stressful as it gets sometimes, I am thankful I get to do what I love and never take it for granted...



 That's a wrap!  Enjoy your weekend! XO



  1. Oh the memes you choose are always ones I need girl! The one about the straw, yeah I need to stop handing people the straw. And toxic people.

    Congrats on your placement.

    Happy Friday sweet friend.


  2. The camps your daughters attended sound awesome! Glad you are staying busy- I would say I hope you get some much deserved rest this weekend but your weekends are usually chock full of activities so you may not be able to :). Have a great weekend!!

  3. So many wonderful camp options; I have never heard of cooking camp or film camp-- how fun! Congrats on your placement at work!

  4. So many good memes! Film camp sounds awesome!! My 12 year old would love that camp. I need to see if there are any options around here.
