Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday Thoughts

 I have missed blogging over the last couple of days but also didn't feel inspired to share anything in particular...I think it is the Back To School craziness...the intensity and business of work (Praise God) and the fact that sometimes I feel what I write is so trivial compared to what is really going on in our world right now....

But you know what?  This is one of my outlets and I always feel compelled to share and write and vent and hopefully inspire even one person in the world....

So today I am just spilling.....

Have you ever had a moment (or two or three) where you are just stopped dead in your tracks?  Like you lament about COVID 19 and all of things we have lost...our kids have lost...the need for home schooling...and then you learn something...your friend who lost a good amount of weight looks good but is actually sick?  Well now I am of those moments that stopped me dead in my tracks...slapped me in the face and said, wake up!  Stop being so selfish and cherish every day...having a tough time with this one....

Or when COVID 19 hits a little too close to's hard to "see" it nearby and not just a # on the nightly news....

but not going to be a complete "Debbie Downer"....I am also trying to focus on the silver linings during this difficult time...

I said to my Mom just yesterday..."one thing this virus is causing us to do is LIVE IN THE PRESENT"...she completely agreed with me...I need to stop worrying about what else we are going to lose or miss out on..what will next month look year....I need to focus on the gifts of today..cherish the moments...the opportunity to live and squeeze my kids and kiss my husband

Working from home...even more often now..I also love the ability to be more present for my girls...taking more time making them good breakfasts and lunches and going over schedules for the the same time, when they are off to school...I am loving the ability to get more work quiet...who knew that school would actually feel like a luxury?

We took pictures this week for our company website...we did a big photo shoot right on the ocean...kid you not...the owner of our firm has the ocean in his front is beyond beautiful...truly appreciated the day...and excited for our new and improved website...but looked around at the people I work with and my heart was bursting...I feel so grateful...I truly see them as my second family and feel they are some of the best people I have met in my entire life...sorry for any grammatical errors...can't even see through my tears this morning...I just know how lucky I am to love what I do but even luckier to be surrounded by some folks with amazing character...

this little firm has been around for over 38 years and the people in it have the grit and work ethic to make it survive even during this awful time...

That's it for today...I promise Friday Favorites will be just recent faves..just needed to put these thoughts in writing and share what is on my heart...


  1. What you are referring about living in the present is the concept of mindfulness. I practiced that this summer when I learned June 5 I would need major colon surgery that did not take place until a July 28. Thankfully the polyp had not turned into cancer, but I did not let any of it steal my joy. Big hugs from Waco,

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart today. I know it reflects what so many are feeling these days. I have had many moments missing "normal" life and feeling sad about my kids missing out on school/college life. But then I snap out of it and am thankful that they are able to experience a small segment of what would normally be happening. Hang in there!

  3. I love that about our blog space too, that we can open up and be honest and you will get the love, support, and sympathy from these other blog friends/mamas. I appreciate you opening up and spilling all of this. Truly! Life is so different right now and it isn't always easy, but you are right, it's making us live in the moment and there is beauty in that too. Hugs, friend!

  4. My family thinks it's pretty nuts that they often ask me about something a few weeks away and my response is that I haven't planned further than tomorrow. I find one thing really keeping me sane right now is just to focus on the next 24 hours and what I have to do for that. I have tentative plans beyond that but can really only focus on 24 hours at a time. (That also helps me pretend I'm not having surgery in just over a week).
