Monday, September 14, 2020

Hello Monday and Weekend Recap!


Friday Night


 We unwound from our crazy week.  The girls did dinner and a sleepover with Papa Bob and Rob and I went to dinner with our friends Matt and Beth Ann...perfect little Friday night...

We started chilling at their house and my little darling Ella stole my phone for a few pics...she kills me...

and then we headed to MT's Local in Nashua- it was fantastic!





 We were all up bright and early.  Diana had her first Saturday Morning Ballet class which is a big step up for her...she was very excited to be with all of the older kids...someone snapped a pic and I snagged it off of Facebook :)

 and Eva had her first soccer game!  She had so much fun.  Some of her besties are in her class this year AND on her soccer team so it helped to make her even more excited...

Later on, Rob did yard work and I got some things organized inside and then got ready to have our dance pals over...this brief time out is brought to you by Diana and Dad doing another fun Tik Tok...although Diana did not know the extent of Rob's moves..we were dying!  


Exhibit A



Ha! Then....oh what a fun night the kids and Moms had...oh and Robby B partook in some of the festivities as well...I haven't laughed that hard in a long good for the soul...there was fire pit and s'more action too of course ;)


Judy made me a lovely centerpiece...she is so talented!


and speaking of decor, our school bus charm came in for our plate...yeah!





I made the family Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins...and made sure my fall candles were smells like pumpkins and marshmallows in our house...I guess that means Fall is officially here...BUT...still hoping for that Indian Summer ;)


 We then headed to mass and later on, we had some family golf fun!  Ally came to stay with the girls and Papa, Zach, Rob and I played a round...I was awful but truly had a blast...I am enjoying it more and the being outside and love working at something!



It was an amazing weekend...what did things look like for you?

Linking up with Heather, Tanya and the Crew HERE
 for Hello Monday!


  1. That school bus charm is so cute! Your cutie’s faces in the pics on your phone are so cute. What a great weekend!

  2. You did a great job recapping your weekend. Wait until you see my post. I sat down last night... way too late... and couldn't recall anything we did, LOL! If I don't stay on top of taking pictures, I tend to forget some of the best parts. It looks like you guys had another great weekend... dinner with friends, soccer, mass and golfing... so fun! I want to make pumpkin muffins over here this week too. Yours look good! Happy new week, Holly! {Oh, and I need to find you on IG!}

  3. Sounds like everyone had a good weekend! I have fall scents going in the wax burner and I love it! I purchased a whole bunch of fall scented candles also!

  4. It's so good to see all the sports starting back up! Feels so NORMAL! :)

  5. The tik tok is so cute! I have a backpack that I use for back-to-school on my Happy Everything, but I love the bus too. Hope you have a great week!

  6. That does sound like a fabulous weekend! We spent ours working.

  7. Sounds like a perfect weekend girl!


  8. You did have a great weekend! I’d love to know if Zach was able to get the golf ball with that ball retriever. It looks like a precarious spot! All those friends and fun pictures look so full of joy! Have a great week!

  9. Your weekend sounds so fun!! I love that Happy Everything plate. I've been eyeing that collection for a long time. Have a good week.
