Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What's Up Wednesday: July 2020

Hi Friends!  Hope you are having a great week so far.  I can't believe it is the last Wednesday of the month already.  My favorite month of the year is almost over...this year is a tough one but we are striving to find the joy in every day.  As always, linking up with Sheaffer and Shay HERE and sharing "What's Up With Us!"

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Weekend Leftovers- Grilled Chicken, 3 kinds of salad and clam chowder

Tuesday- Grilled Chicken and Veggie Kabobs and Mac and Cheese for Kids and Salmon and Corn Salad from Whole Foods for Mama and Daddy

Wednesday-  Burgers/Chicken Burgers, Pickles, Fruit

Thursday- Chicken and Veggie Stirfry

Friday- First Campground Supper

What I'm Reminiscing About

Working during "normal times" my industry (in recruiting firms) we tend to work in what they call "bullpen" environments.  Since we have been working mostly remotely....I crave those days...that excitement...that energy....miss the strategy sessions and funny stories and making magic happen...I have even been dreaming about work every week...nothing bad...just must be what is on my heart and I know I have the daily desire for us all to get back to normal...trying to will it as much as I can....fighting to find that fervor again!

What I'm Loving

Diana's Ballet Intensive Program with the American Academy of Ballet.  We gave her the dining room for the week- moved the furniture out and brought the ballet bar, computer and lighting in.  Since my office is close to the dining room, I am able to hear the instruction (and I need to admit that I have peaked in too and it is awesome to see what she is learning!) In "normal times" we don't get to see classes....seeing this reminds me to be grateful that she has this opportunity (and was even able to put her scholarship towards it- for the win!)

What We've Been  Up To

We spent a wonderful 4th of July Weekend at Laurel and Tom's House on Lake Winnipesaukee

We did a family road trip to Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch NH and enjoyed a hike with waterfalls

We celebrated Zach's Bday

Papa and I finally got some perennials planted at Grammy's resting place

We enjoyed a lovely dinner at 1606, on the water in Gloucester, with our friends from dance, Judy and Chris 

We had many laughs at the "Lobstah Trap" Golf Tourney with Lea and Mike

I have enjoyed entertaining more often- I love cooking for my people

and a long-overdue date night was on tap too!

While the girls had a ball at Mimi and Papa's!

We enjoyed a great night out with the Fourniers

and made our very first trip to the beach happen this year....just surreal that it took so long and won't happen as much this year...don't get me started...just feel like all of the joy in life is being ripped away :( 

After years of saying I would do so, I stood up from my desk, unplugged my laptop and took it out to the deck to work for a couple of felt great and I know I need to do that more often!

Surprise Lunches continue!

Pidge and I shopped for school supplies...

and we enjoyed "Our Italian Restaurant" with the McLain's

Robby B and the rest of our School Board presided over the WHS Graduation- thrilling that our district could make a real outdoor ceremony possible 

There has been lots of swimming this summer....and lots of ice cream of course :)

and good solid family QT....with some clam chowder on the side ;)

and this week, we rallied to get Diana set up for a wonderful week of a Ballet Intensive Program by the AAB out of may not be New York but it is an amazing experience nonetheless and hopefully by next summer, she will be on site for a week...fingers crossed!

What I'm Dreading

Not dreading....just stressing already....on how to balance work and helping with homeschooling...Diana is pretty self-sufficient but Eva needs more help...weighing out our options and even thinking Catholic school at this point if she does not go back 5 days/week....sigh...I am all over the place and just want a plan :(

What I'm Working On

My full time development...plain and simple

What I'm Excited About

Not feeling much excitement these days but really looking forward to our upcoming weekend at the camp ground and beach with our dance friends

What I'm Watching/Reading

Well just finished watching Dr. Foster on Netflix.  Rob is watching it now so I am re-seeing some episodes...other than that, nothing!  Would love some recommendations please :)

and...My Books for July were great!

You can read the synopsis for each one HERE

Eliza  Starts A Rumor by Jane Rosen

The Lies That Bind by Emily Giffin

and wrapping up....

Two Truths and  Lie by Meg Mitchell Moore

What I'm Listening To

Taylor Swift's new album Folklore

Very low key....chill....much less "in your face" than Reputation and Lover but I like it...especially for this year....the writing reflects the state of our world...good for background music and not for the poppy dance hits this time

What I'm Wearing

It has been a lot of workout clothes (except for our team Zoom call once/week then I put on some business casual attire)....I have my business attire ready for when any client or candidate wants to meet over video but those requests have been non-existent over the last month unfortunately....on the weekends, I dial it up and try to find any excuse to put on a dress, skirt or shorts with a cute top ;)

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We are headed to the Wild Acres Campground to spend the weekend with our dance friends- woohoo!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Diana's Exam Ballet Classes and Private Lessons starting back up at her dance studio...just one more step towards normalcy....

What Else Is New?

We should have our school-reopening plan by August 1st- fingers crossed our kids get to go back in person...that is what they want- that is what we want and that is what our family needs...praying hard

What's new with YOU?

Make sure you come back tomorrow for July's Monthly Musings with Patty and me!  We are talking all things Vacation/Staycation!


  1. It looks like you are making the best of summer! I crave a normal summer but there have been some fun parts about it this year.

  2. I'd love to just hear a plan (and possibly a back up plan) from schools too. Of course I will be homeschooling two of them so I am in charge of that plan (which I haven't really planned yet!) so I can't complain much but I keep thinking that all these parents-- especially those with younger kids need to know what school will/may/hopefully look like so they can have a plan in place. Our numbers keep falling here so I think in person schooling will be an option but I know the schools aren't sure how they'll handle social distancing and trying to bus so many kids without having so many on the bus. Have fun on your trip!!

  3. We will know our school re-opening plan by August 4th so our countdown is to that date. We should also be finding out about dance in the next few weeks as well -- again, I'm REALLY hoping they can do smaller, in person, dance classes.

    That campground looks amazing! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  4. Holly, all I can tell you is Catholic school is the Best thing we ever did for our entire family. I know it's a hard decision due to Rob being on the school board. And oh how I miss real class chowder.

    See you tomorrow for our Monthly Musings link up.


  5. The campground you are going to looks amazing! I am jealous of your beach trips! I sometimes wish I lived closer to the ocean!

  6. I want you to make me a surprise lunch. The campground looks so nice. I might even be able to handle camping. LOL

  7. The beach and campground look like so much fun. This summer really has just passed by without a lot of fun. Here's to more normal days ahead!

  8. It looks like you have been having the best summer, Holly! So schools aren’t opening back up in your area? That has to be so hard for you to figure out how to balance that all! I will be praying for you.

  9. We will find out Thursday night what school is going to look like this year. That is when our school board will vote. It might be different for each school in our district- we are not sure yet. Hoping it is either 5 days on site or a hybrid model. My ideal choice would be 5 days on site- remote for those who choose it and all remote if we need to shut down again. That is just me and what is best for our fam :)
