Monday, December 9, 2019

My 5th Annual Holiday Recipe Exchange

Thanks to Shay, I started this tradition 5 years ago!  I can't believe it has already been 5 years- wow!

It is one of my favorite holiday traditions.

Each year, I ask some friends to partake by sending me one of their recipes so I can compile a recipe book for all of our guests.  Each person then makes enough of the recipe for all of the guests to try and then we vote on the best dishes.

Each year, there is a different theme.  We have done appetizers a few times, an anything goes edition and this year was the Side Dish Edition.

Also, because it was the 5 Year Anniversary, I asked my friends to also bring canned goods and non-perishable items that we could donate to the Sonshine Soup Kitchen in Derry (next town over).  They rallied and I now have a big box full of goods to bring to the Kitchen this week- grateful!

So...without further ado...this is how the evening went....

I didn't capture many pictures so I guess that means I was talking too much and having too much fun right?  Ha!

Here are some pics before the event....

Drink Station- I made a cocktail that everyone enjoyed so I will definitely be bringing it back- I thought it was delish too!  It is called "Christmas Jungle Juice" and it is made up of Whipped Cream Vodka, Diet Cherry 7 Up and Sparkling Rose; add a cranberry for garnish and you are good to go!

Decorations are ready! 

I put a few desserts on the server just in case anyone had room for something sweet after the meal 

I stuck with a simple cheese board for an appetizer...I knew that we would be loading up on many yummy side dishes and needed to have room- the cheeses I went with were so delish: The Famous Baked Lemon Ricotta from Trader Joe's, an Italian Truffle (also from Trader Joe's) as well as a Caramelized Onion Cheddar and a Mushroom Brie- I threw some pomegranate seeds and dried cranberries on the board too for a festive touch along with some greenery and topped it all off with some nice salami and crackers...geez...a cheese board is really a meal in itself..right ladies?

I also made this Cherry Cheese Log which was really more like a dessert

My goofy hubby sampling the cocktail

I went with a casual outfit- Top from Macys, Distressed AE Jeans and Booties

Once my guests arrived we enjoyed chatting over the cheese board but then quickly dug in....Everyone filling their plates...

Our big winners were....

Jess for The Most Festive Dish with her
Warm Brown Rice and Butternut Squash was yummy AND beautiful and had dried cranberries throughout as well!

For Best Dish, we had a tie between
Lisa with her Noodle Kugel and Beth Ann with her 
Baked Potato Casserole

It was such a tough decision and oh so fun to try and judge!

Robby B was great at gathering a nice group shot too of course....

Such a fun tradition...I am already thinking about next year however and may just change things up a bit and do a "Favorite Things" Party instead...we...shall....see....Happy Monday Friends!

Linking up with Heather and the crew HERE


  1. What a fun party!! Always so nice to get together in the holiday season!

  2. What a fun idea. I definitely want to start this tradition with my friends when I have a home! xo
    Have a great week.

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I love that you make up a recipe book for all the guests; how great to have that not only to look back on but to whip up foods you enjoyed.

  4. That looks so fun and yummy! You should definitely do a favorite things party!! They are so much fun!

  5. What a fun party! You made so many treats. I really need to start a Favorite Things tradition too.
